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Signs or markings required
Vehicle & Traffic (VAT) CHAPTER 71, TITLE 8, ARTICLE 44
§ 1683. Signs or markings required. (a) No ordinance, order, rule or
regulation made by any local authority under the powers conferred by
this title shall be effective until signs or markings giving notice
thereof are posted, except under such conditions as may be authorized in
writing by the department of transportation or as otherwise provided in
subsection (b) of this section, if the effect of such order, ordinance,
rule or regulation is to:

1. Designate through highways and order stop signs, flashing signals
or yield signs erected at specified entrances thereto or designated any
intersection as a stop intersection or a yield intersection and order
like signs or signals at one or more entrances to such intersection.

2. Prohibit, restrict or regulate the operation of vehicles on any
controlled-access highway or the use of any controlled-access highway by
any vehicle, device moved by human power or pedestrian.

3. Prohibit or regulate the turning of vehicles or specified types of
vehicles at intersections or other designated locations.

4. Authorize angle parking on any roadway.

5. Upon a roadway which is divided into three lanes, allocate the
center lane exclusively for traffic moving in a specified direction.

6. Designate any highway or separate roadway thereof for one-way

7. Exclude trucks, commercial vehicles, tractors, tractor-trailer
combinations or trucks in excess of any designated weight from
designated highway.

8. Prohibit, restrict or limit the stopping, standing or parking of

9. Designate no-passing zones and no changing lane zones and indicate
such zones in accordance with the standards, minimum warrants and sign
or marking specifications established by the department of

10. Designate safety zones.

11. Establish a system of truck routes upon which all trucks, tractors
and tractor-trailer combinations having a total gross weight in excess
of ten thousand pounds are permitted to travel and operate and excluding
such vehicles and combinations from all highways except those which
constitute such truck route system.

12. Prohibit, regulate or restrict the operation or the stopping,
standing or parking of vehicles on any bridge or in any tunnel, or the
use of any bridge or tunnel by any vehicle, device moved by human power
or pedestrian.

13. Prohibit and regulate the operation and the stopping, standing or
parking of vehicles in cemeteries and in public parks.

14. Exclude all trucks, tractors and tractor-trailer combinations in
excess of any designated length from designated highways or establish a
system of truck routes upon which such vehicles and combinations are
permitted to travel and operate and excluding such vehicles and
combinations from all highways except those which constitute such truck
route system.

15. Establish maximum speed limits other than the fifty-five miles per
hour statutory maximum speed limit, or establish minimum speed limits.

16. Regulate the crossing of any roadway by pedestrians.

17. Designate preferential use lanes for specified types or classes of

* 18. Designate a road or portion thereof as a minimum maintenance

* NB Repealed December 8, 2031

(b) Such signs shall be required for orders, ordinances, rules, or
regulations made by the New York state thruway authority, the office of
parks and recreation, a county park commission, a parkway authority, a
bridge authority, a bridge and tunnel authority or the legislative body
of a city having a population in excess of one million or any board,
body or official to whom the power of such local authority has been
designated only in so far as such local authorities in their discretion
may deem practicable.