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This entry was published on 2017-06-30
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Controlling authority
Vehicle & Traffic (VAT) CHAPTER 71, TITLE 8, ARTICLE 44-B
ยง 1700. Controlling authority. 1. Notwithstanding any other provision
of law, the regulation of TNCs and TNC drivers is governed exclusively
by the provisions of the chapter of the laws of two thousand seventeen
which added this section and any rules promulgated by the state through
its agencies consistent with such chapter. No county, town, city or
village may enact a tax or any fee or other surcharge on a TNC, a TNC
driver, or a TNC vehicle used by a TNC driver or require a license,
permit, or additional insurance coverage or any other limitations or
restrictions, except for a prohibition on pick-up pursuant to section
one hundred eighty-two of the general municipal law, for a TNC, a TNC
driver, or a TNC vehicle used by a TNC driver, where such fee,
surcharge, unauthorized tax, license, permit, insurance coverage,
limitation or restriction, relates to facilitating or providing TNC
prearranged trips, or subjects a TNC, a TNC driver, or a TNC vehicle
used by a TNC driver to operational, or other requirements.

2. Nothing in this article shall authorize any TNC driver to pick-up a
passenger for purposes of a TNC prearranged trip in a city with a
population of one million or more or where a county or city has opted to
prohibit the same pursuant to authority consistent with section one
hundred eighty-two of the general municipal law, except where the
acceptance of a prearranged trip is authorized pursuant to an existing
reciprocity agreement.

3. Nothing in this article shall: (a) limit the ability of a county,
town, city or village to adopt or amend generally applicable limitations
or restrictions relating to local traffic or parking control as
authorized by state law; or (b) preempt any reciprocity agreements,
including agreements entered into pursuant to section four hundred
ninety-eight of this chapter, between a county, town, city or village
that relates to services regulated by section one hundred eighty-one of
the general municipal law.

4. Nothing in this article shall be construed to limit the ability of
a municipality or other governing authority that owns or operates an
airport located outside of a city with a population of one million or
more from adopting regulations and entering into contracts or other
agreements relating to the duties and responsibilities on airport
property of a transportation network company, which may include the
imposition and payment of reasonable fees, provided that any such
contracts, agreements, or regulations shall not impose any license or
other operational requirement on a transportation network company driver
or transportation network company vehicle that is inconsistent with or
additional to the requirements of this article.