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Additional surcharge required for certain violations
Vehicle & Traffic (VAT) CHAPTER 71, TITLE 9, ARTICLE 45
§ 1809-e. Additional surcharge required for certain violations. 1. a.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, whenever proceedings in a
court or an administrative tribunal of this state result in a conviction
for an offense under this chapter, except a conviction pursuant to
section eleven hundred ninety-two of this chapter, or for a traffic
infraction under this chapter, or a local law, ordinance, rule or
regulation adopted pursuant to this chapter, except: (i) a traffic
infraction involving standing, stopping, or parking or violations by
pedestrians or bicyclists; and (ii) an adjudication of liability of an
owner for a violation of subdivision (d) of section eleven hundred
eleven of this chapter imposed pursuant to a local law or ordinance
imposing monetary liability on the owner of a vehicle for failure of an
operator thereof to comply with traffic-control indications through the
installation and operation of traffic-control signal photo
violation-monitoring systems, in accordance with article twenty-four of
this chapter; and (iii) an adjudication of liability of an owner for a
violation of subdivision (b), (c), (d), (f) or (g) of section eleven
hundred eighty of this chapter imposed pursuant to a demonstration
program imposing monetary liability on the owner of a vehicle for
failure of an operator thereof to comply with such posted maximum speed
limits through the installation and operation of photo speed violation
monitoring systems, in accordance with article thirty of this chapter;
and (iv) an adjudication of liability of an owner for a violation of bus
lane restrictions as defined by article twenty-four of this chapter
imposed pursuant to a bus rapid transit program imposing monetary
liability on the owner of a vehicle for failure of an operator thereof
to comply with such bus lane restrictions through the installation and
operation of bus lane photo devices, in accordance with article
twenty-four of this chapter; and (v) an adjudication of liability of an
owner for a violation of toll collection regulations imposed by certain
public authorities pursuant to the law authorizing such public
authorities to impose monetary liability on the owner of a vehicle for
failure of an operator thereof to comply with toll collection
regulations of such public authorities through the installation and
operation of photo-monitoring systems, in accordance with section two
thousand nine hundred eighty-five of the public authorities law or
sections sixteen-a, sixteen-b and sixteen-c of chapter seven hundred
seventy-four of the laws of nineteen hundred fifty; and (vi) an
adjudication of liability of an owner for a violation of section eleven
hundred seventy-four of this chapter when meeting a school bus marked
and equipped as provided in subdivisions twenty and twenty-one-c of
section three hundred seventy-five of this chapter imposed pursuant to a
local law or ordinance imposing monetary liability on the owner of a
vehicle for failure of an operator thereof to comply with school bus red
visual signals through the installation and operation of school bus
photo violation monitoring systems, in accordance with article
twenty-nine of this chapter; and (vii) an adjudication of liability of
an owner for a violation of section three hundred eighty-five of this
chapter and the rules of the department of transportation of the city of
New York in relation to gross vehicle weight and/or axle weight
violations imposed pursuant to a weigh in motion demonstration program
imposing monetary liability on the owner of a vehicle for failure of an
operator thereof to comply with such gross vehicle weight and/or axle
weight restrictions through the installation and operation of weigh in
motion violation monitoring systems, in accordance with article ten of
this chapter; and (viii) an adjudication of liability of an owner for a
violation of subdivision (b), (d), (f) or (g) of section eleven hundred
eighty of this chapter imposed pursuant to a demonstration program
imposing monetary liability on the owner of a vehicle for failure of an
operator thereof to comply with such posted maximum speed limits within
a highway construction or maintenance work area through the installation
and operation of photo speed violation monitoring systems, in accordance
with article thirty of this chapter; and (ix) an adjudication of
liability of an owner for a violation of bus operation-related traffic
regulations as defined by article twenty-four of this chapter imposed
pursuant to a demonstration program imposing monetary liability on the
owner of a vehicle for failure of an operator thereof to comply with
such bus operation-related traffic regulations through the installation
and operation of bus operation-related photo devices, in accordance with
article twenty-four of this chapter, there shall be levied in addition
to any sentence, penalty or other surcharge required or permitted by
law, an additional surcharge of twenty-eight dollars.

b. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, whenever proceedings in
a court of this state result in a conviction pursuant to section eleven
hundred ninety-two of this chapter or subparagraphs (ii) and (iii) of
paragraph (a) of subdivision two or subparagraph (i) of paragraph (a) of
subdivision three of section five hundred eleven of this chapter, there
shall be levied, in addition to any sentence or other surcharge required
or permitted by law, an additional surcharge of one hundred seventy

2. The additional surcharges provided for in subdivision one of this
section shall be paid to the clerk of the court or administrative
tribunal that rendered the conviction. Within the first ten days of the
month following collection of such surcharges, the collecting authority
shall pay such money to the state comptroller to be deposited to the
general fund; provided, however, commencing April first, two thousand
twenty-four, the surcharge provided for in paragraph b of subdivision
one of this section shall be paid to counties in such manner and for
such purposes as provided for in section eleven hundred ninety-seven of
this chapter.

3. The provisions of subdivision four-a of section five hundred ten,
subdivision three of section five hundred fourteen and subdivision three
of section two hundred twenty-seven of this chapter governing actions
which may be taken for failure to pay a fine or penalty shall be
applicable to the additional surcharge imposed pursuant to this section.