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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Contents and effect
Vehicle & Traffic (VAT) CHAPTER 71, TITLE 10, ARTICLE 46
§ 2108. Contents and effect. (a) Each certificate of title issued by
the commissioner shall contain:

(1) The date issued;

(2) The name and address of the owner;

(3) The names and addresses of any lienholders, in the order of their
apparent priority as shown on the application or, if the application is
based on a certificate of title, as shown on the certificate;

(4) The title number assigned to the vehicle;

(5) A description of the vehicle including, so far as the following
data exists: its make, year model, identifying number, type of body if
a motor vehicle or hull material if a vessel, and whether new or used,
and any other information required by the commissioner; and

(6) Any other data the commissioner prescribes.

(b) The certificate of title shall contain forms for assignment and
warranty of title by the owner, and for assignment and warranty of title
by a dealer, and may contain forms for applications for a certificate of
title by a transferee, the naming of a lienholder and the assignment or
release of the security interest of a lienholder.

(c) A certificate of title issued by the commissioner is prima facie
evidence of the facts appearing on it.

(d) A certificate of title for a vehicle is not subject to
garnishment, attachment, execution or other judicial process, but this
subsection does not prevent a lawful levy upon the vehicle.

(e) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a certificate of title
to a vehicle which is a mobile home or a manufactured home issued by the
commissioner is prima facie evidence of the facts appearing on it,
notwithstanding the fact that such vehicle, at any time, in any manner,
shall have become attached to realty.