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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Lost, stolen or mutilated certificates
Vehicle & Traffic (VAT) CHAPTER 71, TITLE 10, ARTICLE 46
§ 2112. Lost, stolen or mutilated certificates. (a) If a certificate
of title is lost, stolen, mutilated or destroyed or becomes illegible,
the owner or legal representative of the owner named in the certificate,
as shown by the records of the commissioner, shall promptly make
application for and may obtain a duplicate upon furnishing information
satisfactory to the commissioner. Unless the original certificate of
title is surrendered to the commissioner, the duplicate certificate of
title shall contain the legend "This is a duplicate certificate and may
be subject to the rights of a person under the original certificate." It
shall be mailed to the owner.

(b) A person recovering an original certificate of title for which a
duplicate has been issued shall promptly notify the commissioner of such
recovery and shall comply with the directions of the commissioner
relating to the disposition of such documents.