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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Display of registration numbers
Vehicle & Traffic (VAT) CHAPTER 71, TITLE 11, ARTICLE 47
§ 2223. Display of registration numbers. 1. The registration numbers
assigned to a snowmobile shall be displayed on the vehicle at all times
in such manner as the commissioner may, by regulation, prescribe. No
number other than the number assigned to a snowmobile by the
commissioner or the identification number of the registration in another
state should be painted, attached or otherwise displayed on either side
of the cowling, except that racing numbers on a snowmobile being
operated in special events, approved by the commissioner of parks and
recreation, may be temporarily displayed for the duration of the race.

2. Dealer demonstrator registration numbers shall conform to the
requirements set forth in subdivision one of this section with the
exception that the numbers assigned may be printed upon or attached to a
removable plaque or plaques to be temporarily but firmly affixed to the
snowmobile being demonstrated or tested.

3. Numbers issued to dealers and manufacturers for the purpose of
demonstration or testing shall be used exclusively for these purposes
and no other use is permitted.