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This entry was published on 2021-12-24
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Summons; answer
Vehicle & Traffic (VAT) CHAPTER 71, TITLE 2, ARTICLE 2-A
§ 226. Summons; answer. 1. Summons. The commissioner shall be
authorized to prescribe by regulation the form for the summons and
complaint to be used for all traffic violations specified in subdivision
one of section two hundred twenty-five of this chapter, and to establish
procedures for proper administrative controls over the disposition
thereof. Such summons may be the same as the uniform summons provided
for in section two hundred seven of this chapter. The chief executive
officer of each local police force which is required to use the summons
and complaint provided for herein shall prepare or cause to be prepared
such records and reports as may be prescribed by the commissioner.

1-a. Return date notifications. The commissioner shall notify any
person who receives a summons and complaint for any traffic violation
specified in subdivision one of section two hundred twenty-five of this
article of the time and place of the return date for such summons, no
later than one week prior to such return date. The commissioner shall
send such notification by first class mail at the address of such person
on file with the department or at the current address provided by the
United States postal service in accordance with section two hundred
fourteen of this title.

2. Answer. (a) General. Any person who receives a summons for a
violation described in subdivision one of section two hundred
twenty-five of this chapter shall answer such summons by personally
appearing on the return date at the time and place specified therein.
Provided, however, that an answer may be made as provided in paragraphs
(b) and (c) of this subdivision and the regulations of the commissioner.

(b) Answer by mail -- admitting charge. If a person charged with the
violation admits to the violation as charged in the summons, he may
complete an appropriate form prescribed by the commissioner and forward
such form and summons, together with the appropriate part of his
license, if required by the commissioner's regulations, to the office of
the department specified on such summons. If a schedule of penalties for
violations has been established, and such schedule appears on the answer
form, a check or money order in the amount of the penalty for the
violation charged if included in such schedule, must also be submitted
with such answer. Unless permitted by the regulations of the
commissioner, such plea may not be made by mail for any offense for
which suspension or revocation of a driver's license is required by law,
or for any other offense if the conviction thereof would result in a
hearing pursuant to a highway safety program established under the
provisions of subdivision three of section five hundred ten of this

(c) Answer by mail - denial of charges. If the person charged with the
violation denies part or all of the violation as charged in the summons,
he may complete an appropriate form prescribed by the commissioner for
that purpose and forward such form and summons to the office of the
department specified on such summons. Upon receipt, such answer shall be
entered and a hearing date established by the department. The department
shall notify such person by return mail of the date of such hearing.

3. Failure to answer or appear; entry of order. (a) If the person
charged with the violation shall fail to answer the summons as provided
herein, the commissioner may suspend such person's license or driving
privilege or, if the charge involves a violation of section three
hundred eighty-five, section four hundred one or section five hundred
eleven-a of this chapter by a registrant who was not the operator of the
vehicle, the registration of such vehicle or the privilege of operation
of any motor vehicle owned by such registrant may be suspended, until
such person shall answer as provided in subdivision two of this section,
or has paid or has entered into an installment payment plan to pay the
fine associated with a conviction entered as a result of the failure to
appear in response to such summons, or the defendant has been acquitted
of the charge that led to the suspension or such charge was otherwise
dismissed. If a person shall fail to appear at a hearing, when such is
provided for pursuant to this section, such person's license, or
registration or privilege of operating or of operation, as appropriate,
may be suspended pending appearance at a subsequent hearing, or the
disposition of the charges involved. Any suspension permitted by this
subdivision, if already in effect, may be terminated or if not yet in
effect, may be withdrawn or withheld, prior to the disposition of the
charges involved if such person shall appear and post security in the
amount of forty dollars to guarantee his or her appearance at any
required hearing. The security posted pursuant to this subdivision shall
be returned upon appearance at the scheduled hearing or an adjourned
hearing which results in a final disposition of the charge, and
otherwise shall be forfeited. If a suspension has been imposed pursuant
to this subdivision and the case is subsequently transferred pursuant to
subdivision two of section two hundred twenty-five of this article, such
suspension shall remain in effect until the person answers the charges
in the court to which the case was transferred. Any suspension issued
pursuant to this paragraph shall be subject to the provisions of
paragraph (j-1) of subdivision two of section five hundred three of this

(b) Failure to answer or appear in accordance with the requirements of
this section and any regulations promulgated hereunder shall be deemed
an admission to the violation as charged, and an appropriate order may
be entered in the department's records, and a fine consistent with the
provisions of this chapter and regulations of the commissioner may be
imposed by the commissioner or person designated by the commissioner.
Prior to entry of an order and imposition of a fine, the commissioner
shall notify such person by mail at the address of such person on file
with the department or at the current address provided by the United
States postal service in accordance with section two hundred fourteen of
this title: (i) of the violation charged; (ii) of the impending entry of
such order and fine; (iii) that such order and fine may be filed as a
judgment with the county clerk of the county in which the operator or
registrant is located; and (iv) that entry of such order and imposition
of such fine may be avoided by entering a plea or making an appearance
within thirty days of the sending of such notice. In no case shall such
an order and fine be entered and imposed more than two years after the
date of the alleged violation. Upon application in such manner and form
as the commissioner shall prescribe an order and fine shall be vacated
upon the ground of excusable default.