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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Display of registration number plate or plates
Vehicle & Traffic (VAT) CHAPTER 71, TITLE 11, ARTICLE 48-A
§ 2264. Display of registration number plate or plates. 1. The
registration number plate or plates assigned to a limited use vehicle
shall be displayed on the vehicle at all times such vehicle is operated
on the public highways in such manner as the commissioner may, be
regulation, prescribe. One registration number plate shall be issued by
the commissioner for a limited use motorcycle. One or two registration
number plates, as determined by the commissioner, shall be issued by the
commissioner for a limited use automobile. No number other than the
registration number plate assigned to a limited use vehicle by the
commissioner, or the identification number of the registration issued by
another state shall be painted, attached or otherwise displayed on a
limited use vehicle when such vehicle is being operated on a public
highway. Nothing herein shall prohibit the display of a vehicle
identification number plate or number affixed by the manufacturer or his
agent in accordance with section twenty-two hundred sixty-seven of this

2. Dealer demonstrator number plates shall conform to the requirements
set forth in subdivision one of this section with the exception that
such number plates may be temporarily but firmly affixed to the limited
use vehicle being demonstrated or tested.

3. The use of dealer demonstrator number plates shall be subject to
the provisions of sections four hundred fifteen and four hundred sixteen
of this chapter.

4. No dealer shall permit a dealer demonstrator number plate to be
used on any vehicle unless such vehicle would qualify for the issuance
of such a number plate when registered.