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ATV safety course and safety certificate
Vehicle & Traffic (VAT) CHAPTER 71, TITLE 11, ARTICLE 48-C
§ 2409. ATV safety course and safety certificate. 1. Safety course or
courses. The commissioner shall establish a curriculum or curricula for
an ATV safety training course or courses. Any such curriculum may
include, but not be limited to, on-vehicle training and safe riding
practices. The commissioner may establish different courses and
curricula for different types of all terrain vehicles. The commissioner
may permit any such safety training course to be given by any private
person, club, association or municipality which meets standards
established by the commissioner. The commissioner may establish a
reasonable fee which any such person or entity may charge for such
course or courses.

2. Safety certificate. Upon successful completion of a safety course
given in conformity with subdivision one of this section by a person
fourteen years of age or over, the person or entity which gave the
course shall notify the commissioner of such completion in a manner
prescribed by the commissioner. The commissioner shall, upon receipt of
such information, issue an ATV safety certificate to the person who has
successfully completed the course. Such certificate may be limited to
the type of vehicle for which the course was given.