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This entry was published on 2024-03-29
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Certified inspectors
Vehicle & Traffic (VAT) CHAPTER 71, TITLE 3, ARTICLE 5
§ 304-a. Certified inspectors. (a) The commissioner shall issue a
certificate to an individual authorizing such person to conduct
inspections under this article. No person shall conduct an inspection
unless that person is a certified inspector. The commissioner may
establish a classified system of certified inspectors.

(b) The fee for filing such an application shall be ten dollars. Such
fee shall not be refundable. The annual fee for certification as an
inspector shall be five dollars. A certification shall expire on any
date determined by the commissioner.

(c) The commissioner may, by regulation, establish standards of
competency and fitness for certification as an inspector.

* (d) Fees, deposited. Fees assessed under this section shall be paid
to the commissioner for deposit to the transportation safety account
established pursuant to section ninety-one of the state finance law
through March thirty-first, two thousand four and from April first, two
thousand four and thereafter shall be deposited to the dedicated highway
and bridge trust fund.

* NB Effective until April 1, 2026

* (d) Fees, deposited. Fees assessed under this section shall be paid
to the commissioner for deposit to the transportation safety account
established pursuant to section ninety-one of the state finance law.

* NB Effective April 1, 2026