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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Proof required upon certain convictions
Vehicle & Traffic (VAT) CHAPTER 71, TITLE 3, ARTICLE 7
§ 331. Proof required upon certain convictions. (a) Whenever the
commissioner, or other authorized person, under any law of this state
suspends or revokes the operator's or chauffeur's license of any person
because of the conviction of such person, the commissioner shall also
suspend any and all of the registration certificates and registration
plates issued for any motor vehicle registered in the name of the person
so convicted as owner except that he shall not suspend such evidence of
registration, unless otherwise required by law, in the event such owner
has previously given, or shall immediately give and thereafter maintain
proof of his financial responsibility in the future in the manner
hereinafter specified in this article with respect to each and every
motor vehicle owned and registered by such person.

(b) Such suspensions or revocation shall remain in effect and the
commissioner shall not issue to any such person any new or renewal
license or register in the name of such person any motor vehicle, until
permitted under this chapter and not then unless and until such person
gives proof of his financial responsibility in the future as hereinafter
provided in this article. Reversal on appeal of any conviction because
of which any license or registration has been suspended pursuant to this
article shall entitle the holder to the restoration thereof forthwith
without proof of financial responsibility.

(c) For the purpose of this article the term conviction shall include
a forfeiture of bail or collateral deposited to secure a defendant's
appearance in court, which forfeiture has not been vacated, upon a
charge which upon conviction of the defendant requires or authorizes the
commissioner to suspend or revoke the license of such person.