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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Duty of courts to report judgments
Vehicle & Traffic (VAT) CHAPTER 71, TITLE 3, ARTICLE 7
§ 336. Duty of courts to report judgments. The clerk of the court, or
the court where it has no clerk, shall, upon written request of the
judgment creditor or his attorney, forward to the commissioner a
certified copy of transcript of any judgment for damages, the rendering
and non-payment of which judgment requires the commissioner to suspend
the operator's or chauffeur's license and/or the registrations in the
name of the judgment debtor hereunder, such copy or transcript to be
forwarded to the commissioner immediately upon the expiration of fifteen
days after such judgment has become final by expiration without appeal
of the time within which appeal might have been perfected or by final
affirmance on appeal, and has not been otherwise stayed, or satisfied.