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This entry was published on 2024-05-03
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Standards for course approval
Vehicle & Traffic (VAT) CHAPTER 71, TITLE 3, ARTICLE 12-B
§ 399-e. Standards for course approval. 1. To be approved, a course

(a) Have been given for at least two years by the applicant agency or
organization prior to the submission of an application.

* (b) Provide at least three hundred twenty minutes of instruction,
with a certified instructor present. The requirement that a certified
instructor be present shall not be applicable to a program approved
pursuant to article twelve-C of this title. Nothing in this section
shall prevent the use of audio/visual aids as part of the course
presentation prescribed by the commissioner.

* NB Effective until April 1, 2026

* (b) Provide at least three hundred twenty minutes of instruction,
with a certified instructor present. Nothing in this section shall
prevent the use of audio/visual aids as part of the course presentation
prescribed by the commissioner.

* NB Effective April 1, 2026

(c) Provide a description of the minimum qualifications of all
managers and instructors who will be hired by the applicant.

(d) Provide each instructor with an instructor's manual and provide
student workbooks and/or manuals for each course participant.

(e) Provide a copy of a completion certificate which is designed to
prevent and is capable of preventing fraud and forgery, and which is
approved by the commissioner for the purpose of verifying course
completion for submission to insurance companies.

(f) Provide proof of effectiveness pursuant to section three hundred
ninety-nine-f of this article.

2. The commissioner is authorized to suspend or revoke approval of a
sponsoring agency should the commissioner find that the sponsoring
agency, its delivery agency or its instructors have been found to be in
violation of any applicable laws or regulations.