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This entry was published on 2024-05-03
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Vehicle & Traffic (VAT) CHAPTER 71, TITLE 3, ARTICLE 12-C
* § 399-n. Regulations. 1. The commissioner is authorized and directed
to promulgate any rules and regulations necessary to implement the
provisions of this article and to insure that internet, and other
technology as approved by the commissioner, delivered accident
prevention courses established pursuant to this article can validate:
student identity at registration and throughout the course;
participation throughout the course; that the time requirements are met;
and successful completion of the course. Provided, however, that any
rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to this article shall not
stipulate any particular location for delivery of an accident prevention
course or limit the time of day during which such course may be taken.

2. The commissioner is authorized to impose a fee upon each accident
prevention course sponsoring agency approved for participation in the
pilot program, which shall not exceed eight dollars for each student who
completes an accident prevention course by means of the pilot program
established pursuant to this article.

* NB Repealed April 1, 2026