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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Transfer of registration
Vehicle & Traffic (VAT) CHAPTER 71, TITLE 4, ARTICLE 17
§ 420. Transfer of registration. 1. Upon the transfer of ownership or
the destruction of a motor vehicle, motorcycle or trailer, its
registration shall expire; and the seller, or the owner in case of
destruction, shall remove the number plates from the vehicle.

2. Such seller or owner may, however, register another vehicle and use
said number plates thereon, if appropriate, upon making application for
such registration, paying a transfer fee of ten dollars, and paying the
proportional excess, if any, of the annual fee for registering the
second vehicle over the annual fee for registering the first vehicle for
each day or fraction thereof constituting the unexpired registration
period. If the number plates of the first vehicle are not appropriate
for the second vehicle, the commissioner or his or her agent shall, upon
the surrender of such number plates, furnish appropriate number plates.

3. Provided, however, that upon the death of an owner of a registered
motor vehicle, motorcycle or trailer, its registration shall, unless the
vehicle is destroyed, be deemed to continue in force as a valid
registration until the end of the year or until the ownership of such
vehicle is transferred by the executor or administrator of the estate of
such owner or by the distributees of his personal property, whichever
occurs first. If the ownership of such vehicle is transferred as exempt
property under section 5-3.1 of the estates, powers and trusts law to
the surviving spouse of the owner, the fee for the initial registration
issued to such surviving spouse shall be the fee for such registration
reduced by the amount of the fee remaining for the unexpired term of the
registration issued to the deceased.

4. Provided, further, that upon the permanent removal of a vehicle
from the state, the owner may remove the number plates and be entitled
to the same privileges as though the vehicle had been sold or destroyed.

5. Provided, further, that a holder of manufacturers' and dealers'
registration having a motor vehicle, motorcycle or trailer registered in
his or its name under the provisions of this chapter may, if such
vehicle is placed in stock for sale, also remove the number plates and
be entitled to the same privileges as though the vehicle had been sold
or destroyed.

6. Provided, further, that the registration of a vehicle registered in
the names of two or more persons, as partners or otherwise, shall not
expire upon a change in ownership of the vehicle so long as any of the
persons named in such registration as owners of the vehicle is the owner
or part owner of the vehicle. However, when any change in the ownership
of such a vehicle occurs and the registration does not expire, the owner
or owners after such change shall forthwith file with the commissioner a
statement of the ownership of such vehicle in such form as the
commissioner shall require, together with a fee of ten dollars, and the
commissioner shall issue a new certificate of registration.

7. Where a dealer having registration under the provisions of section
four hundred fifteen of this chapter sells or trades a vehicle to a
person who has another vehicle duly registered under this chapter, or
who had another vehicle previously so registered, and the registration
of such vehicle is eligible for transfer to the purchased vehicle under
the provisions of this section and the number plates of the first
vehicle are appropriate, such dealer may issue on any date on which the
registration of a motor vehicle may be used a temporary certificate of
registration of the second vehicle under which such vehicle may be
operated as a duly registered vehicle for a period of thirty days from
the date of issuance, other provisions of this chapter notwithstanding.
Such temporary certificate of registration may be extended by the
commissioner for an additional thirty days, except that in no event
shall any such temporary certificate of registration be valid after the
expiration date of the registration for the first vehicle. Such
certificate shall be issued upon a form furnished by the commissioner
and shall be executed in such manner as he shall prescribe.

8. The owner of a registered motor vehicle, motorcycle or trailer may
transfer the registration and, if appropriate, the number plates thereof
to another vehicle owned by him or her upon making application for such
transfer, paying a transfer fee of ten dollars, and paying the
proportionate excess, if any, of the annual fee for registering the
second vehicle over the annual fee for registering the first vehicle for
each day or fraction thereof constituting the unexpired registration
period, provided, however, that the registration and number plates for
the second vehicle, if such vehicle is registered in this state, are
either surrendered to the commissioner or transferred to another vehicle
as provided herein. If the number plates of the first vehicle are not
appropriate for the second vehicle, the commissioner or his or her agent
shall, upon the surrender of such number plates, furnish appropriate
number plates. Whenever a total fee for reregistration prescribed in
this section shall amount to a fee other than a whole dollar amount, the
fee required to be paid shall be rounded to the nearest twenty-five