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This entry was published on 2023-04-07
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Form of license
Vehicle & Traffic (VAT) CHAPTER 71, TITLE 5, ARTICLE 19
§ 504. Form of license. 1. (a) Every license or renewal thereof shall
contain a distinguishing mark and adequate space upon which an
anatomical gift, pursuant to section forty-three hundred ten of the
public health law, by the licensee shall be recorded and shall contain
such other information and shall be issued in such form as the
commissioner shall determine; provided, however, every license or
renewal thereof issued to a person under the age of twenty-one years
shall have prominently imprinted upon it the statement "UNDER 21 YEARS
OF AGE" in notably distinctive print or format; provided further,
however, every license or renewal thereof issued to a person making an
anatomical gift shall have prominently printed upon the front of such
license or renewal thereof the statement "ORGAN DONOR" in notably
distinctive print or format. The commissioner shall not require fees for
the issuance of such licenses or renewals thereof to persons under
twenty-one years of age or to persons making an anatomical gift which
are different from the fees required for the issuance of licenses or
renewals thereof to persons twenty-one years of age or over or to
persons not making an anatomical gift.

(a-1) Every license or renewal thereof issued to an applicant who was
a member of the armed forces of the United States and who (i) received
an honorable discharge or was released therefrom under honorable
conditions, or (ii) has a qualifying condition, as defined in section
one of the veterans' services law, and has received a discharge other
than bad conduct or dishonorable from such service, or (iii) is a
discharged LGBT veteran, as defined in section one of the veterans'
services law, and has received a discharge other than bad conduct or
dishonorable from such service, shall, upon his or her request and
submission of proof as set forth herein, contain a distinguishing mark,
in such form as the commissioner shall determine, indicating that he or
she is a veteran. Such proof shall consist of a certificate of release
or discharge from active duty including but not limited to a DD Form 214
or other proof satisfactory to the commissioner. The commissioner shall
not require fees for the issuance of such licenses or renewals thereof
to persons requesting a veteran distinguishing mark which are different
from fees otherwise required; provided, however, that notwithstanding
the provisions of this section, the commissioner shall not require fees
for a duplication or amendment of a license prior to its renewal if such
duplication or amendment was solely for the purpose of adding a veteran
distinguishing mark to such license.

(b) The commissioner may by regulation provide that every driver's
license contain the photo image of the licensee. The learner's permit
may also contain the photo image of the permittee pursuant to
regulations established by the commissioner.

2. Whenever an applicant for a license has successfully met the
requirements for the issuance of a license, the license issued by the
commissioner may be a temporary license which shall be valid until the
license provided in subdivision one of this section is issued or until
forty-five days from the date such temporary license is issued,
whichever occurs first. The commissioner may in his discretion extend
the period of validity of such temporary license. Such temporary license
shall be in such form as the commissioner shall determine.

3. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any photo image taken
as part of the application procedure for a learner's permit or an
original, duplicate, renewal or amended driver's license shall not be a
public record.