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Suspension and revocation of learner's permits and driver's licenses for violations committed by holders of class DJ or class MJ learner'...
Vehicle & Traffic (VAT) CHAPTER 71, TITLE 5, ARTICLE 20
§ 510-c. Suspension and revocation of learner's permits and driver's
licenses for violations committed by holders of class DJ or class MJ
learner's permits or licenses. 1. (a) A learner's permit or a driver's
license shall be suspended for a period of sixty days:

(i) upon a conviction or finding of a serious traffic violation as
defined in subdivision two of this section, when such violation was
committed while the holder had a class DJ or class MJ learner's permit
or a class DJ or MJ license; or

(ii) upon the second conviction or finding of such permit or license
holder of a violation of any other provision of this chapter or any
other law, ordinance, order, rule or regulation relating to traffic, and
when such violation was committed while such holder had a class DJ or
class MJ learner's permit or a class DJ or MJ license.

(b) A learner's permit or a driver's license shall be revoked for a
period of sixty days upon the conviction or finding of the permit or
license holder of a violation or violations, committed within six months
after the restoration of such permit or license suspended pursuant to
paragraph (a) of this subdivision, which convictions or findings would
result in the suspension of such permit or license pursuant to paragraph
(a) of this subdivision.

2. For purposes of this section, the term "serious traffic violation"
shall mean operating a motor vehicle in violation of any of the
following provisions of this chapter: articles twenty-five and
twenty-six; subdivision one of section six hundred; section six hundred
one; sections eleven hundred eleven, eleven hundred seventy, eleven
hundred seventy-two and eleven hundred seventy-four; subdivisions (a),
(b), (c), (d) and (f) of section eleven hundred eighty, provided that
the violation involved ten or more miles per hour over the established
limit; section eleven hundred eighty-two; subdivision three-a of section
twelve hundred twenty-nine-c for violations involving use of safety
belts or seats by a child under the age of sixteen; and section twelve
hundred twelve of this chapter.

3. Any suspension or revocation required for a violation of section
twelve hundred twenty-five-c or section twelve hundred twenty-five-d of
this chapter shall be subject to the provisions of subdivisions two and
six of section five hundred ten of this article.