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This entry was published on 2018-11-16
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Suspension and revocation of class E driver's licenses
Vehicle & Traffic (VAT) CHAPTER 71, TITLE 5, ARTICLE 20
§ 510-d. Suspension and revocation of class E driver's licenses. 1. A
class E driver's license shall be suspended by the commissioner for a
period of one year where the holder is convicted of a violation of
section 230.20, 230.25, 230.30, 230.32, 230.34, 230.34-a or 230.40 of
the penal law and the holder used a for hire motor vehicle to commit
such crime.

2. A class E driver's license may be revoked by the commissioner when
the holder, who had his or her driver's license suspended under
subdivision one of this section within the last ten years, is convicted
of a second violation of section 230.20, 230.25, 230.30, 230.32, 230.34,
230.34-a or 230.40 of the penal law and the holder used a for hire motor
vehicle to commit such crime.

3. Any revocation or suspension of a class E driver's license issued
pursuant to this article shall be applicable only to that portion of the
holder's driver's license or privilege which permits the operation of a
motor vehicle transporting passengers for hire, and the commissioner
shall immediately issue a license, other than a class E driver's
license, to such person, provided that such person is otherwise eligible
to receive such license and further provided that issuing a license to
such person does not create a substantial traffic safety hazard.

4. The provisions of this section shall not be construed to prevent
any person who has the authority to suspend or revoke a license to drive
or privilege of operating pursuant to section five hundred ten of this
article from exercising any such authority.