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This entry was published on 2024-05-03
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Registration of Motor Vehicles
Vehicle & Traffic (VAT) CHAPTER 71, TITLE 4

Section 401. Registration of motor vehicles; fees; renewals.

401-a. In-transit permits.

401-b. Registration of tow trucks.

402. Distinctive number; form of number plates; trailers.

402-a. Facsimile license plates.

402-b. Obscured and obstructed license plates.

403. Number plates continued.

403-a. Temporary indicia of registration.

403-b. Sales of special number or distinctive license plates

by certain dealers.

404. Issuance of special number plates.

404-a. Registration of motor vehicles of severely disabled


404-aa. Distinctive plates for members of the Catholic War

Veterans of America.

404-b. Distinctive plates for volunteer firefighters.

404-bb. Distinctive Cystic Fibrosis Foundation license plates.

404-c. Distinctive plates for former prisoners of war.

404-cc. Distinctive "Cure Childhood Cancer" plates.

404-d. Distinctive plates for members of the organized

militia and reserve.

404-dd. Distinctive plates for members of AMVETS.

404-dd*2. Mental illness anti-stigma license plates.

404-e. Distinctive plates for purple heart recipients.

404-ee. Distinctive "West Indian American Day Carnival"

license plates.

404-ee*2. Distinctive Down's syndrome awareness license plates.

404-ee*3. Distinctive "September eleventh, two thousand one

remembrance" license plates.

404-ee*4. Distinctive "Jamaican bobsled team" number plates.

404-f. Distinctive plates for members of volunteer ambulance


404-g. Distinctive plates bearing the words "Birthplace of


404-h. Distinctive plates for members of the Jewish War

Veterans of America.

404-i. Distinctive plates for gold star mothers.

404-j. Registration and issuance of special number plates for

veterans who survived the Pearl Harbor attack.

404-k. Distinctive plates for Marine Corps League members.

404-l. Distinctive regional design plates.

404-m. Distinctive license plates commemorating the World

University Games.

404-n. Issuance of distinctive conservation plates.

404-o. Distinctive "Olympic Spirit" license plates.

404-oo. Deposit of service charges for distinctive license


404-p. Distinctive "Animal Population Control Fund" license


404-p*2. Distinctive plates for congressional medal of honor


404-q. Distinctive "drive for the cure" license plates.

404-q*2. Distinctive plates for the council on the arts.

404-r. Distinctive "foreign organization" license plates.

404-r*2. Distinctive plates for New York state licensed

dentists who are members of the New York State

Dental Association.

404-s. Issuance of distinctive "I Love New York" plates.

404-s*2. Issuance of distinctive plates for agriculture.

404-s*3. Distinctive "drive out diabetes" license plates.

404-s*4. Distinctive plates for the Saratoga national cemetery

honor guard association.

404-t. Distinctive marine and coastal district of New York

license plates.

404-t*2. Distinctive conserve habitat license plates.

404-t*3. Distinctive "peace at home" license plates.

404-u. Distinctive "keep kids drug free" license plates.

404-u*2. Distinctive "national multiple sclerosis society"

license plates.

404-u*3. Distinctive gift of life license plates.

404-u*4. Distinctive "Erie canal" license plates.

404-v. Distinctive plates for water rescue team members.

404-v*2. Distinctive plates for the United States Naval Armed


404-v*3. Distinctive plates for the arts and cultural

institutions and museums.

404-v*4. Distinctive plates for members of the Eighth Air Force

Historical Society.

404-v*5. Issuance of distinctive "Discover Queens" license


404-v*6. Distinctive autism awareness license plates.

404-v*7. Distinctive "Love your library" plates.

404-w. Distinctive plates for war on terror veterans.

404-w*2. Distinctive plates for Persian Gulf veterans.

404-x. Distinctive "Ducks Unlimited" license plates.

404-y. Distinctive plates for veterans of the Iraq War and

veterans of the Afghanistan War.

404-y*2. Distinctive "Appalachian Trail" license plates.

404-y*3. Distinctive plates for members of the Kiwanis


404-y*4. Distinctive plates for conspicuous service cross


404-y*5. Distinctive lupus awareness license plates.

404-y*6. Distinctive sickle cell disease awareness license


404-z. Distinctive "Elks Association" license plates.