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This entry was published on 2025-01-10
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Speed Restrictions
Vehicle & Traffic (VAT) CHAPTER 71, TITLE 7

Section 1180. Basic rule and maximum limits.

1180-a. Maximum speed limits.

1180-b. Owner liability for failure of operator to comply with

certain posted maximum speed limits.

1180-e. Owner liability for failure of operator to comply with

certain posted maximum speed limits.

1180-f. Owner liability for failure of operator to comply with

certain posted maximum speed limits.

1180-f*2. Owner liability for failure of operator to comply with

certain posted maximum speed limits.

1180-g. Owner liability for failure of operator to comply with

certain posted maximum speed limits.

1181. Minimum speed regulations.

1182. Speed contests and races.

1182-a. Multi-jurisdictional speed contests, races and similar

special events.

1182-b. Filming of movies, commercials and similar events.