
Search OpenLegislation Statutes

This entry was published on 2023-04-07
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Legislative findings
Veterans' Services (VET) CHAPTER 13, ARTICLE 2
§ 31. Legislative findings. The legislature hereby finds that it is
estimated that over the next five years, forty-four thousand veterans
are expected to return to this state from their military posts, making
the Empire State home to one of the largest veteran populations in the
country. Shockingly, the unemployment rate for Post-9/11 veterans in New
York was 10.7% in two thousand twelve, which is nearly one percent
higher than the national average and higher than the state's overall
8.2% unemployment rate. The legislature has found previously that it is
in the interest of the state to ensure that returning veterans have
employment opportunities available upon their separation from military

The state already encourages private businesses to hire military
veterans through tax credits and other economic incentives. In addition,
the legislature has previously found that state agencies spend millions
of dollars annually on temporary staff hired from temporary employment
service companies to cover temporary staffing needs. These temporary
state jobs could serve as a bridge for recently discharged military
veterans who have yet to find full-time permanent work. In addition,
these temporary assignments could serve to develop the next generation
of the state workforce and help with succession planning for the current

The legislature declares it to be the policy of this state to use
veterans for temporary appointments in state agencies rather than
utilizing temporary employment service companies in order to provide
employment opportunities for returning military veterans.