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Department of Veterans' Services
Veterans' Services (VET) CHAPTER 13

Section 1. Definitions.

2. Department of veterans' services.

3. Veterans' services commission.

3-a. Veterans employment task force.

4. General functions, powers and duties of department.

5. Veteran speaker education program.

6. Cooperation and facilities of other departments.

7. Information on status of veterans receiving assistance.

8. New York state supplemental burial allowance for members

of the uniformed services of the United States killed

in combat or duty subject to hostile fire or imminent

danger, as defined in 37 USC § 310.

9. New York state veteran burial fund.

10. Time within which marriage may be solemnized; member of

the uniformed services.

11. Use of personal confidential information obtained from

veterans or family members of veterans receiving

services from the state and political subdivisions


12. Acceptance of gifts.

13. State veterans' service agency.

14. Local veterans' service agencies.

15. Powers and duties of local veterans' service agencies.

16. Location and cost of local veterans' service agencies;

deputy local directors.

17. Local veterans' service committees.

18. Appropriations for expenses and activities of local

veterans' service agencies.

19. Women veterans coordinator.

20. Women veterans advisory committee.

21. Creation of annuity.

22. Evidence of entitlement.

23. Persons who may receive annuity.

24. New York state veterans' cemeteries.

25. Veterans health screening.

26. Payment to parents of veterans.

27. Cremated remains of a veteran.

28. New York state silver rose veterans service certificate.

29. Intake forms for admission and residency.

29-a. Loan counseling for mortgages guaranteed by the

Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944.

29-a*2. Veterans memorial registry.

29-b. Veterans' liaisons.

29-b*2. Veteran maternity care.

29-b*3. Staff sergeant Alex R. Jimenez New York state military

immigrant family legacy program.