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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Buildings in streets; permits; hearings; review
§ 7-734 Buildings in streets; permits; hearings; review. For the
purpose of preserving the integrity of such official map or plan no
permit shall hereafter be issued for any building in the bed of any
street or highway shown or laid out on such map or plan, provided,
however, that if the land within such mapped street or highway is not
yielding a fair return on its value to the owner, the board of appeals
or other similar board in any village which has established such a board
having power to make variances or exceptions in zoning regulations shall
have power in a specific case by the vote of a majority of its members
to grant a permit for a building in such street or highway which will as
little as practicable increase the cost of opening such street or
highway, or tend to cause a change of such official map or plan, and
such board may impose reasonable requirements as a condition of granting
such permit, which requirements shall inure to the benefit of the
village. Before taking any action authorized in this section, the board
of appeals or similar board shall give a hearing at which parties in
interest and other shall have an opportunity to be heard. Any such
decision shall be subject to review in the same manner and pursuant to
the same provisions as in appeals from the decisions of such board upon
zoning regulations.