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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Ombudsman for injured workers
Workers' Compensation (WKC) CHAPTER 67, ARTICLE 2
§ 13-h. Ombudsman for injured workers. 1. The office of ombudsman for
injured workers is created within the workers' compensation board. The
ombudsman shall report directly to the chair. The ombudsman shall act as
an advocate for injured workers by accepting complaints concerning
matters related to workers' compensation, investigating them and
attempting to resolve them. The ombudsman shall also provide information
to injured workers to enable them to protect their rights in the
workers' compensation system.

2. The office of ombudsman for small business is created within the
workers' compensation board. The ombudsman shall report directly to the
chair. The ombudsman shall provide information and assistance to small
businesses with regard to workers' compensation insurance and claim
processing matters.