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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Commissioner of taxation and finance custodian of fund
Workers' Compensation (WKC) CHAPTER 67, ARTICLE 6
§ 85. Commissioner of taxation and finance custodian of fund. The
commissioner of taxation and finance shall be the custodian of the state
insurance fund; and all disbursements therefrom shall be paid by him
upon drafts signed by the executive director, deputy executive director
or an assistant director authorized for that purpose by the
commissioners or by checks signed by one of such officers and by the
commissioner of taxation and finance. He may deposit any portion of the
state fund not needed for immediate use, in the manner and subject to
all the provisions of law respecting the deposit of other state funds by
him. Interest earned by such portion of the state insurance fund
deposited by him, shall be collected by him and placed to the credit of
the fund.