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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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SECTION 15-106
Credit for tax withheld
Yonkers Income Tax Surcharge (YTS) CHAPTER ROOT, ARTICLE 9
§ 15-106. Credit for tax withheld.

The City of Yonkers income tax surcharge withheld shall not reduce net
state tax for purposes of computing the City of Yonkers income tax
surcharge, but any amount of tax actually deducted and withheld pursuant
to this article in any calendar year shall be deemed to have been paid
to the State Tax Commission on behalf of the person from whom withheld,
and such person shall be credited with having paid the amount of tax for
the taxable year beginning in such calendar year. For a taxable year of
less than twelve (12) months, the credit shall be made under regulations
of the State Tax Commission.