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SECTION 15-122
Filing of returns
Yonkers Income Tax Surcharge (YTS) CHAPTER ROOT, ARTICLE 10
§ 15-122. Filing of returns.

A. General. On or before the 15th day of April following the close of
the taxable year, every person subject to the tax shall make and file a
return, and any balance of the tax shown due on the face of such return
shall be paid therewith. The State Tax Commission may, by regulation,
provide for the filing of returns and payment of the tax at such other
times as it deems necessary for the proper enforcement of this article.
The State Tax Commission may also provide by regulation that any return
otherwise required to be made and filed under this article by any
nonresident individual need not be made and filed if such nonresident
individual had, during the taxable year to which the return would
relate, no net earnings from self-employment within the City of Yonkers.
Any regulation allowing such waiver of return may provide for additional
limitations on and conditions and prerequisites to the privilege of not
filing a return.

B. Husband and wife. If husband and wife, both of whom are
nonresidents of the City of Yonkers, file separate New York State
personal income tax returns on a single form, the State Tax Commission
may require the filing of separate returns under this article on single
form; and if the sum of the payments by either spouse, including
withheld and estimated taxes, exceeds the amount of the tax for which
such spouse is separately liable, the excess may be applied by the State
Tax Commission to the credit of the other spouse if the sum of the
payments by such other spouse, including withheld and estimated taxes,
is less than the amount of the tax for which such other spouse is
separately liable. If the sum of the payments made by both spouses with
respect to the taxes for which they are separately liable, including
withheld and estimated taxes, exceeds the total of the taxes due, refund
of the excess may be made payable to both spouses or, if either is
deceased, to the survivor; provided, however, that the provisions of
this subsection shall not apply if the return of either spouse includes
a demand that any overpayment made by him or her shall be applied only
on account of his or her separate liability. However, an overpayment by
a spouse and interest thereon shall be credited against past-due support
or the amount of a default in repayment of a guaranteed student loan or
state university loan owed by the other spouse, of which the State Tax
Commission has been notified pursuant to § 171-c or § 171-d or § 171-e
of the Tax Law, as the case may be, unless the spouse not liable for
past-due support or a default in repayment of a guaranteed student loan
or state university loan includes a demand that the overpayment and
interest thereon attributable to such spouse not be credited against the
past-due support or the default in repayment of a guaranteed student
loan or state university loan owed by the other spouse.

C. Decedents. The return for any deceased individual shall be made and
filed by his/her executor, administrator or other person charged with
his/her property. If a final return of a decedent is for a fractional
part of a year, the due date of such return shall be the 15th day of the
fourth month following the close of the twelve-month period which began
with the first day of such fractional part of the year.

D. Individuals under a disability. The return for an individual who is
unable to make a return by reason of minority or other disability shall
be made and filed by his/her guardian, committee, fiduciary or other
person charged with the care of his/her person or property (other than a
receiver in possession of only a part of his/her property) or by his/her
duly authorized agent.

E. Estates and trusts. The return for an estate or trust shall be made
and filed by the fiduciary.

F. Joint fiduciaries. If two (2) or more fiduciaries are acting
jointly, the return may be made by any one (1) of them.

G. Cross reference. For provisions as to information on returns by
partnerships, employers and other persons, see § 15-128.