
Commending Senior Master Sergeant Joseph F. Gianetto II upon the occasion of his retirement

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LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION commending Senior Master Sergeant Joseph F.
Gianetto II of the New York Air National Guard upon the occasion of his
retirement after many years of distinguished military service

WHEREAS, This Legislative Body seeks to honor and acknowledge those
individuals whose professional lives, military service and civic endeav-
ors serve to enhance the stature of the State of New York; and
WHEREAS, Members and former members of the Armed Services from the
State of New York, who have served so valiantly and honorably in wars in
which this country's freedom was at stake, as well as in the preserva-
tion of peace in peace time, deserve a special salute from this Legisla-
tive Body; and
WHEREAS, For the past 39 1/2 years, Senior Master Sergeant Joseph F.
Gianetto II of the New York Air National Guard rendered faithful,
conscientious and valuable military service to both the Nation and New
York State; and
WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and in full accord with its long-
standing traditions, this Legislative Body is justly proud to commend
Senior Master Sergeant Joseph F. Gianetto II of the New York Air
National Guard upon the occasion of his retirement after many years of
distinguished military service; this auspicious occasion will be cele-
brated on April 3, 2011; and
WHEREAS, Currently, Senior Master Sergeant Joseph F. Gianetto II is
the NCOIC of the 174th Operations Group RC-26 Counterdrug program,
Hancock Field Air National Guard Base, Syracuse, New York; and
WHEREAS, Senior Master Sergeant Joseph F. Gianetto II entered the US
Air Force in June of 1971, and was called to active duty in October of
that year; and
WHEREAS, Upon completion of basic training, Senior Master Sergeant
Joseph F. Gianetto II began training as an Aircraft Maintenance Special-
ist at Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas; and
WHEREAS, In May of 1973, Senior Master Sergeant Joseph F. Gianetto II
was assigned to the 56th Special Operations Wing, Organizational Mainte-
nance Squadron, Flight-line Branch, Nahkon Phanom Royal Thai Air Force
Base, Thailand, in support of combat operations in Southeast Asia; and
WHEREAS, After completing his tour in Southeast Asia, Senior Master
Sergeant Joseph F. Gianetto II served with the 314th Tactical Airlift
Wing, Field Maintenance Branch, and then with the 314th Headquarters
Squadron as an Aircraft Job Controller coordinating the maintenance
efforts on a fleet of more than 100 C-130E Hercules aircraft; and
WHEREAS, Upon being released from active duty in September of 1979,
Senior Master Sergeant Joseph F. Gianetto II became a member of the
107th Fighter Interceptor Group, Organizational Maintenance Branch, of
the New York Air National Guard, Niagara Falls, New York, and in January
of 1980, was transferred to the 174th Fighter Wing; and
WHEREAS, While there, Senior Master Sergeant Joseph F. Gianetto II was
assigned to the 174th Maintenance Squadron as Crew Chief on the A - 10A
Thunderbolt aircraft; and
WHEREAS, In December of 1990, Senior Master Sergeant Joseph F. Gianet-
to II was called to active duty to Al Kharj Air Base, Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia in support of Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm during the
Persian Gulf War; and
WHEREAS, Senior Master Sergeant Joseph F. Gianetto II later served in
Operation Northern Watch and then Operation Southern Watch in support of
contingency operations against Iraq, while also performing over 40 days
of active duty supporting Combat Air Patrol sorties in support of Opera-
tion Noble Eagle after the September 11th terrorist attacks; and

WHEREAS, On October 14, 2003, Senior Master Sergeant Joseph F. Gianet-
to II volunteered for his fourth Air Expeditionary Force deployment in
support of the Global War on Terrorism, and then was involved in combat
operations during Operation Enduring Freedom; and
WHEREAS, In 2006, Senior Master Sergeant Joseph F. Gianetto II was
deployed to support Operation Iraqi Freedom, where he was assigned to
the 332nd Expeditionary Maintenance Group as a Senior Weapon Systems
Controller and Shift Supervisor, coordinating maintenance operations for
three different active duty and Air National Guard assigned aircraft
supporting contingency operations through the Iraqi Theater; and
WHEREAS, Senior Master Sergeant Joseph F. Gianetto II holds multiple
military decorations and service awards including: the Meritorious
Service Medal, Air Force Commendation Medal, with one oak cluster; the
Air Force Achievement Medal, with five oak clusters; the National
Defense Service Medal with two Bronze Stars, the Viet Nam Service Medal
with one Bronze Star; the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal; and the
Humanitarian Service Medal, among others; and
WHEREAS, In addition, Senior Master Sergeant Joseph F. Gianetto II
holds numerous New York State Awards and decorations including: New York
State Military Commendation Medal; New York State Desert Storm Service
Medal; New York State Conspicuous Service Cross, with one silver device;
as well as being named the recipient of the Air National Guard Noncom-
missioned Officer Academy Graduate Association, Outstanding Graduate of
the Year in 1995; and
WHEREAS, Senior Master Sergeant Joseph F. Gianetto II resides in
Liverpool, New York, with his wife, Dale, and has three daughters
Christina, Jennifer and Brynn Leigh, two sons, Ryan and Kegan, and one
grandson, Nehemiah; and
WHEREAS, In all his official acts, Senior Master Sergeant Joseph F.
Gianetto II was governed by a sense of loyalty, duty and honor, that
allowed him to be a natural leader; and
WHEREAS, Throughout his extraordinary and outstanding military,
professional, and civilian careers, Senior Master Sergeant Joseph F.
Gianetto II has earned the admiration, esteem and affection of his
friends, family and colleagues; and
WHEREAS, Our Nation's veterans deserve to be recognized, commended and
thanked by the people of the State of New York for their service and for
their dedication to their communities, their State and the Nation; now,
therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
commend Senior Master Sergeant Joseph F. Gianetto II of the New York Air
National Guard upon the occasion of his retirement after many years of
distinguished military service; and be it further
RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be tran-
smitted to Senior Master Sergeant Joseph F. Gianetto II.


  • 16 / Mar / 2011

Resolution Details

See Assembly Version of this Bill:
Law Section:
Resolutions, Legislative


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