
Establishes a plan setting forth an itemized list of grantees for the New York state economic development assistance program

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SENATE RESOLUTION amending Senate Resolution R 5596 of 2012 establishing
a plan setting forth an itemized list of grantees for the New York State
Economic Development Assistance Program established pursuant to an
appropriation in the 2008-2009 state fiscal year and in part QQ of chap-
ter 57 of the laws of 2008 relating to such itemized list of grantees

RESOLVED, (If the concur) That pursuant to and as required by
the New York State Economic Development Assistance Program established
in part QQ of chapter 57 of the laws of 2008 and by section 5 of chapter
53 of the laws of 2008 enacting the Education, Labor and Family Assist-
ance Budget, amending the New York State Urban Development Corporation
Projects appropriating monies for the New York State Economic Develop-
ment Assistance Program in accordance with the following plan and as
adopted by Senate Resolutions 2697, 2698, 2699, 2700, 2701 and 2702 of
2011 ....................................................... 350,000,000
300 Block, LLC ................................... 250,000
Adelante of Suffolk County, Inc. ................. 104,000
Adelphi University ............................. 5,000,000
Adirondack Medical Center ........................ 300,000
Agudath Israel of America ........................ 100,000
Agudath Israel of America ...................... 1,000,000
Agudath Israel of America Community
Services, Inc, - Non Public School Bus
Acquisition Initiative ....................... 5,000,000
Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences ... 500,000
Albany County Airport Authority - HondaJet ....... 500,000
Albany Medical Center .......................... 1,000,000
Albertson Hook and Ladder, Engine and Hose
Company, No. 1, Incorporated, The .............. 100,000
Alert Hook and Ladder and Hose Company, No. 1 .... 100,000
Alfred Technology Resources, Incorporated -
Nano Materials Innovation Center ............... 850,000
Alfred Technology Resources, Incorporated -
Painted Post Facility .......................... 150,000
Alfred University - High Temperature Materi-
als Testing Facility ......................... 4,000,000
Allegany County Soil & Water Conservation
District - Genesee River Hazard Mitigation
Project ........................................ 750,000
[Alzheimer's Foundation of Staten Island, Inc. .. 250,000]
Amenia, Town of - Wassiac Trail/Rail Connection .. 100,000
American Cancer Society, Eastern Division ........ 100,000
American Performing Arts Collaborative, Inc. ..... 100,000
Amigos del Museo del Barrio ...................... 300,000
Amityville Union Free School District -
Alternative Energy Project ..................... 250,000
Amityville, Village of ........................... 500,000
Arts Guild of Old Forge, Inc., The ............... 200,000
Asian & Pacific Islander Coalition on HIV/AIDS, Inc200,000
Association for Neurologically Impaired
Brain Injured Children ......................... 450,000
Athletic Association of the Port Washington
High Schools, Inc., The ........................ 100,000
Auburn Memorial Hospital ......................... 500,000
August P. Petrillo Housing Development Fund Co., In105,000
Avon, Town of - Rehabilitation of Opera Block .... 500,000

Babylon, Town of ................................. 250,000
Babylon, Town .................................... 400,000
Babylon, Town - Tanner Park Waterfront Revitaliza1,500,000
Babylon, Town of ................................. 550,000
Babylon Town-North Babylon Downtown Revitalization 250,000
Bailey House, Inc. ............................... 125,000
Barry & Florence Freidberg JCC, Inc. ............. 100,000
Barry & Florence Friedberg JCC ................... 100,000
Barry & Florence Friedberg Jewish Community
Center, Inc., d/b/a Sunrise Day Camp ........... 100,000
Barry & Florence Friedberg Jewish Community
Center, Inc., d/b/a Sunrise Day Camp ........... 100,000
Basset Healthcare Network - O'Connor Hospital .... 100,000
Baxter Estates, Incorporated Village of .......... 100,000
Baychester Youth Council, Inc., The .............. 125,000
Bayport Fire District ............................ 100,000
Bayville Village - Downtown Revitalization ....... 250,000
[Beacon Institute, Inc., The - Upper Hudson
Research Center ........................... 10,000,000]
Bedford Stuyvesant Family Health Center, Inc., The 300,000
Bedford-Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation ....... 100,000
Bellerose Terrace Fire District .................. 100,000
Bellerose Village Fire District .................. 100,000
Bellmore Union Free School District - Alter-
native Energy Project
Belmont District Management Association, Inc. .... 100,000
Beth Abraham Family of Health Services,
d/b/a BETHCO Corporation ....................... 500,000
Beth Israel Medical Center - Kings Highway Division350,000
Big Apple Institute, Inc. ........................ 150,000
Guardians of the Sick, Inc. ...................... 100,000
Binghamton Mets Baseball Club, Inc. - Stadi-
um Improvements ................................ 500,000
Blooming Grove, Town of Park Improvements ........ 250,000
Board of Education Garden City Union Free School Di250,000
[Bon Secours Charity Health System .............. 100,000]
Boonville Fair Association - Building Construction 100,000
Boro Park Jewish Community Council ............... 100,000
Boro Park Jewish Community Council ............... 200,000
.SO DOC S R2682 RESO TEXT 2013
Boro Park Jewish Community Council ............... 250,000
Boys and Girls Club of Geneva, Inc. ............ 1,000,000
Breast Cancer Help, Inc. ......................... 500,000
Brentwood Union Free School District ............. 200,000
Islip, Town of - Brentwood Landscaping,
Parking & Facade Improvements ................ 2,000,000
SOUTHEAST, TOWN OF - Brewster Landmark Theatre ... 250,000
Briarcliff Manor Union Free School District ...... 100,000
Bridge Street Development Corporation ............ 100,000
Bridge Street Development Corporation ............ 100,000
Broad Hollow Bioscience Park, Inc. - Phase 3
Accelerator Project .......................... 9,000,000
Bronx Community College .......................... 300,000
Brookdale Hospital Medical Center, The ........... 325,000
Brookhaven Memorial Hospital Medical Center
- Purchase of Full Field Digital Mammogra-
phy Unit ....................................... 400,000

Brooklyn Academy of Music, Inc. - Ashland
Center for the Arts .......................... 1,000,000
Brooklyn Academy of Music, Inc., The ............. 100,000
Brooklyn Botanic Garden Corporation .............. 100,000
Brooklyn Historical Society, The ................. 100,000
Brooklyn Historical Society, The ................. 100,000
Brooklyn Historical Society, The ................. 250,000
Brooklyn Information & Culture, Inc - BRIC -
Multi-Arts Center .............................. 750,000
Brooklyn Information & Culture, Inc. ............. 250,000
Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation ....... 100,000
Brooklyn Public Library .......................... 300,000
Brooklyn Public Library .......................... 250,000
Brooklyn Technical High School Alumni Foundation, I100,000
Brooks Memorial Hospital ......................... 250,000
Broome County .................................. 2,000,000
Broome County - Sewer Extension & Industrial Park3,500,000
Broome County .................................. 4,750,000
Bryant Library ................................... 100,000
Buffalo Naval Park Committee Inc. ................ 250,000
Buffalo Economic Renaissance Corporation ......... 100,000
Buffalo Fine Arts Academy d/b/a Albright-Knox Art G100,000
Buffalo Municipal Housing Authority - LBJ
Housing Relocation Project ................... 2,000,000
Buffalo Naval Park Committee, Inc. ............... 100,000
Buffalo Olmsted Parks Conservancy, Inc., The ..... 200,000
Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences .............. 150,000
Buffalo Transportation Pierce-Arrow Museum ..... 3,300,000
Buffalo, City of ................................. 100,000
C9 Corporation ................................. 1,750,000
Canajoharie Village - Revitalization Project ..... 500,000
Canajoharie, Village of .......................... 650,000
Canandaigua Churches in Action, Inc. - Health Clini100,000
Canandaigua, City of Skate Park .................. 250,000
Canisius College of Buffalo, N.Y., The ......... 4,000,000
Canton-Potsdam Hospital .......................... 250,000
[Caribbean Cultural Center of African Diaspora Ins250,000]
Caribbean's Women's Health Association, Inc. ..... 100,000
Carle Place Hook, Ladder & Hose Company No. 1, Inc.100,000
Carle Place Union Free School District ........... 100,000
Carle Place Union Free School District -
Asbestos Abatement ............................. 150,000
Carmel Central School District ................... 150,000
Carmel, Town of - Sycamore Park .................. 250,000
Catskill Community Center, Inc. .................. 250,000
Catskill Mountain Foundation, Inc. - Orpheum
Performing Arts Center ......................... 500,000
Catskill Regional Medical Center ............... 2,000,000
Cattaraugus Rehabilitation Center, Inc.
d/b/a The Rehabilitation Center - Reno-
vations ........................................ 250,000
Caumsett State Park - Bird Conservation Area
Habitat Restoration ............................ 250,000
Center for Jewish History, Inc., The - Archival Depository
.............................................. 1,000,000
Central Islip Public Library ..................... 105,000
Central Islip Union Free School District ......... 150,000

Central Park Conservancy, The .................. 1,000,000
Chabad Lubavitch Community Center of North-
east Queens, Inc. .............................. 250,000
Chabad Lubavitch Community Center of North-
east Queens, Inc. .............................. 250,000
Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital Medical Center300,000
Charis Foundation, The - Brooklyn Preparatory Schoo100,000
Charles T. Sitrin Health Care Center, Inc.
d/b/a Sitrin Medical Rehabilitation Center
................................................ 250,000
Chemung County Industrial Development Agency
- DeMets Candy Company ......................... 250,000
Chemung County Industrial Development Agency
- Eaton Electrical ............................. 500,000
Chemung County Industrial Development Agency
[- Sikorsky-Hawk Works Expansion] .............. 900,000
Children's Aid Society, The ...................... 100,000
Children's Alliance for Recreation (CARE) ........ 100,000
Childrens' Home of Kingston, New York, The ....... 250,000
Church Avenue Merchant Block Association, Inc. (CAM100,000
Citizens Committee for New York City, Inc. ....... 100,000
City Island Chamber of Commerce, Inc. ............ 100,000
.SO DOC S R2682 RESO TEXT 2013
[City of Buffalo ................................ 200,000]
[City of] Buffalo, CITY OF ....................... 200,000
[City of] Buffalo, CITY OF - Delaware Park
Ring Road Improvements ......................... 300,000
[City of] Buffalo, CITY OF - Dept. of
Public Works Res. Of 735 Humboldt Pkwy ........ 200,000
Hudson, City of - Waterfront Development ......... 250,000
[City of] Mount Vernon, CITY OF - Emergency
Operating Center ............................... 500,000
[City of] Niagara Falls, CITY OF - Lasalle
Library Capital Improvements
................................................ 100,000
[City of] Niagara Falls, CITY OF - U.S.
Customs House Restoration ...................... 250,000
[City of] Tonawanda, CITY OF (Niawanda Park) ..... 250,000
Clarkson University .............................. 950,000
Clarkstown, Town of - Revitalization Project ... 2,000,000
Clemens Center (Chemung County) ................ 1,000,000
Clifton Springs Sanitarium Company d/b/a
Clifton Springs Hospital and Clinic ............ 500,000
Cobble Hill Health Center, Inc. .................. 250,000
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory .................. 1,200,000
College Community Services, Inc. - Brooklyn
College d/b/a Brooklyn Center for the
Performing Arts at Brooklyn College ............ 100,000
College of Saint Rose, The ....................... 200,000
Columbian Fire Engine Company #1, Inc. -
Firehouse Renovations .......................... 100,000
Committee for Buffalo Harbor Global Warming,
Astronomy and Planetarium Centers, Inc. ........ 150,000
Community Health Action of Staten Island, Inc. ... 100,000
Community Service Society ........................ 250,000
CONCOURSE VILLAGE, INC. ........................ 1,000,000
CONGREGATION MACHONE CHODOSH, INC. ............... 200,000
Connetquot Central School District of Islip ...... 200,000

Cooperstown, Village of - Office & Library
Restoration Project ............................ 100,000
Corinth, Village of .............................. 350,000
Cornell University - Lake Erie Research &
Extension Laboratory ........................... 250,000
Corning Intown District Management Assoc ......... 200,000
Corning, City of ................................. 450,000
Cortland County BDC .............................. 250,000
Cortland County Industrial Development Agen-
cy - Finger Lakes East Business Park ........... 500,000
Cortland, City of - Fire Station ................. 250,000
Cortlandville, Town of - Starr Road Park & Recreation
Center ......................................... 250,000
[Council of People's Organization (COPO) ........ 100,000]
Council of Senior Citizens & Services of New York 150,000
Cradle Beach Camp, Inc. .......................... 150,000
Crawford, Town of - Revitalization ............... 250,000
Culinary Institute of America Marriott Pavilion, 1,050,000
Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation, Inc.1,000,000
Delaware County Industrial Development Authority 1,000,000
Delaware County Industrial Development Agen-
cy - Business Incubator ........................ 250,000
Delaware Valley Hospital, Inc. ................... 100,000
Development Corporation, The - Akrimax Phar-
maceuticals, Inc. ............................ 1,000,000
Developmental Disabilities Institute, Inc. ....... 250,000
Disabled American Veterans, Department of New York,150,000
Doe Fund, Inc., The .............................. 200,000
Dominican Women's Development Center, Inc. ....... 100,000
East Greenbush, Town of - Routes 4 & 151
Infrastructure Improvements .................. 2,000,000
East Meadow High School .......................... 600,000
East Side Community Group for Senior Services, Inc.100,000
East Williston Public Library .................... 100,000
East Williston Union Free School District ........ 100,000
East Williston Union Free School District -
Renovation to the North Side Playground ........ 100,000
East Williston Union Free School District -
Wheatley Track Renovation, North Side
Drainage & Parking Lot Repairs ................. 100,000
Eastchester Fire District ........................ 115,000
Economic Development Growth Enterprises Corporat10,000,000
Eden II School for Autistic Children, Inc. ....... 500,000
Educational Alliance, Inc., The .................. 125,000
Educational Alliance, Inc., The .................. 125,000
Educational Center for New Americans, Inc. ....... 250,000
Eger Lutheran Homes and Services ................. 250,000
Elizabeth Brewster House - Repair & Renovation ... 100,000
Ellis Hospital - Consolidation Improvements .... 1,000,000
Elmont American Legion Post 1033 ................. 100,000
Elmont [Public Library] UNION FREE SCHOOL
DISTRICT - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ................ 100,000
[Elmont Union Free School District .............. 100,000]
Elmont Union Free School District - Creation
of Mathematics & Science Research Lab .......... 100,000
Erasmus Neighborhood Federation, Inc. ............ 100,000

FDNY FOUNDATION, INC. ............................ 200,000
Federation of Organizations for the New York
State Mentally Disabled, Inc. - Patchogue
Community Center ............................... 250,000
.SO DOC S R2682 RESO TEXT 2013
Fifth Avenue Committee, Inc. ..................... 300,000
Finger Lakes Economic Development Center -
Yates County Organic & Viticulture Market
Expansion .................................... 1,000,000
Finger Lakes Health Foundation - Geneva
General Hospital - Facility Improvements ....... 750,000
Finishing Trades Institute - Painters District Coun200,000
ING CENTER ..................................... 100,000
Flatbush Development Corporation, The ............ 100,000
Flea Theater, Inc., The .......................... 100,000
Fleetwood Neighborhood Association ............... 100,000
[Floral Park - Bellerose Union Free School Distric150,000]
Floral Park - Bellerose Union Free School
District - Renovations to Classrooms & Replacements of
Flooring ....................................... 150,000
Floral Park Centre Fire Company, Inc. ............ 100,000
Floral Park Fire District ........................ 100,000
[Floral Park Library ............................ 100,000]
Floral Park- Bellerose Union Free School District 100,000
Floral Park, Incorporated Village of -
Reconstruction of Roadway ...................... 100,000
Florida, Village of .............................. 100,000
Food and Finance High School ..................... 100,000
Forest Hills Volunteer Ambulance Corps ........... 100,000
Forest Lawn Heritage Foundation .................. 200,000
[Fort Hamilton High School - Science Lab ........ 250,000]
Franklin Square Union Free School District ....... 100,000
Franklin Square & Munson Fire District ........... 100,000
Franklin Square Union Free School District ....... 600,000
Franklin Square Union Free School District -
Renovations to the Gymnasium & Installa-
tion of Security Fencing ....................... 100,000
Friends of Bristol Valley Playhouse Founda-
tion, Inc. d/b/a Bristol Valley Theater ........ 225,000
Friends of the Arts, Inc. ........................ 250,000
[Friends of the Sands Point Preserve, Inc. ...... 100,000]
Friends of the Sands Point Preserve, Inc. -
Renovation of the Greenhouse & Cow Dairy
Barn at the Sands Point Preserve ............... 100,000
Fulton County Economic Development Corpo-
ration - Estee School Conversion ............... 250,000
Fulton-Montgomery Community College .............. 250,000
Garden City Historical Society ................... 100,000
Garden City Park Fire District ................... 100,000
Gateway Community Industries, Inc. ............... 100,000
Gateway-Longview Foundation ...................... 200,000
General Electric d/b/a GE Healthcare -
Digital Medical X-Ray Equipment Manufac-
turing Facility .............................. 3,000,000
General Society of Mechanics & Tradesmen of

the City of New York, The - Library Reno-
vations ........................................ 150,000
Geneseo Foundation, Inc., The .................... 125,000
[Geneva Community Center ...................... 1,000,000]
Geneva, City of - Design & Construction of a Visitor's
Center ....................................... 2,000,000
GIRL SCOUTS OF SUFFOLK COUNTY, INC. .............. 200,000
[Golisano Children's Hospital ................... 250,000]
Gomez Foundation for Mill House - Museum Renovation500,000
Good Samaritan Foundation for Better Health, Inc.1,000,000
Good Samaritan Hospital Foundation, The .......... 250,000
Good Shepherd Hospice Inpatient Center ........... 700,000
Good-Will Fire District .......................... 250,000
Great Neck Union Free School District ............ 100,000
Great Neck Library ............................... 100,000
Great Neck Park District ......................... 100,000
Great Neck Union Free School District -
Renovations to the North High School & JF
Kennedy School Including the Purchase of
Furniture ...................................... 100,000
Greater Harlem Housing Development Corporation ....100,000
Greater Harlem Nursing Home Company, Inc...........100,000
Greater Hudson Valley Family Health Center, Inc., T250,000
Greater New York Councils, Boy Scouts of America . 200,000
Greater Ridgewood Youth Council, Inc., The ..... 1,000,000
Greenville, Town of - Wastewater Treatment
Plant Improvements ............................. 100,000
Greenwich House, Inc. ............................ 100,000
Greenwood Lake, Village of Water Quality Project . 200,000
Guild for Exceptional Children, Inc., The ........ 250,000
[Guytech Management Services, Inc.] RIVER-
ROCK NEHEMIAH REALTY, LLC. ..................... 100,000
Haldane Central School District - Reno-
vations to Baseball Fields & Outdoor Track
................................................ 150,000
Hands Across Long Island Incorporated ............ 100,000
Haverstraw, Town of - Cheesecote Mountain Park ... 100,000
Health Alliance, Inc. d/b/a Health Alliance
of the Hudson Valley
Health Association of Niagara County, Incorporated,200,000
Hempstead, Town of ............................... 250,000
Hempstead, Town of - Parks & Streetscape Improvemen500,000
Hempstead, Town of - Streetscape Improve-
ments to Include Construction, Engineering
.SO DOC S R2682 RESO TEXT 2013
& Architectural Services on Jericho Turn-
pike in Bellerose Terrace ...................... 100,000
Henry Street Settlement .......................... 250,000
Herkimer County Chamber of Commerce, Inc. -
New Building Construction ...................... 250,000
Herkimer County IDA - Turbo Machined Products .... 254,000
Herkimer County Industrial Development Agency .... 100,000
Herkimer County Industrial Development Authority . 250,000
[Herricks Union Free School District ............ 150,000]
Herricks Union Free School District .............. 100,000
Herricks Union Free School District - Reno-
vation of the Facade ........................... 150,000

Hetrick-Martin Institute, Inc., The .............. 100,000
Hicksville Union Free School District ............ 100,000
Hicksville Fire District ......................... 100,000
Hicksville Gregory Museum ........................ 100,000
Highland Hospital of Rochester ................... 300,000
Hillcrest Jewish Center, Inc. .................... 100,000
Hillside Public Library of New Hyde Park ......... 100,000
[Hispanos Unidos De Buffalo, Inc.] PUCHO, INC. ... 200,000
[Hofgur, LLC d/b/a Queens Adult Care Center ..... 150,000]
Hofstra University - Medical School Building .. 12,500,000
Holocaust Memorial and Tolerance Center of
Nassau County, Inc., The.........................100,000
Home for Contemporary Theatre and Art, Ltd.
d/b/a HERE Art Center
Home for the Aged of the Little Sisters of
the Poor, The - Queen of Peace Residence
Homer-Cortland Community Agency, Inc. -
Museum Complex ................................. 100,000
Homer, Town of - Town Hall Restoration ........... 100,000
Hostos Community College Foundation .............. 400,000
Housing Conservation Coordinators, Inc.............100,000
Hudson Guild, The ................................ 100,000
Hudson Guild, The ................................ 250,000
Hudson River Museum of Westchester, The .......... 100,000
Hudson Valley Hospital ........................... 150,000
Hudson Valley Hospital Center - Ambulatory Surgery 250,000
Human Care Services for Families and Children, Inc.100,000
Hurley, Town of .................................. 100,000
Huron & Pearl Hotel Corporation ................ 1,700,000
HVCC/TEC-SMART - Training & Education Center
for Semiconductor Manufacturing, Alterna-
tive & Renewable Technologies
Hyde Hall, Inc. .................................. 250,000
Hyde Leadership Charter School ................... 198,500
Idle LLC ......................................... 500,000
IFETAYO Cultural Arts Facility ................... 250,000
IFETAYO Cultural Arts Facility ................... 250,000
[Incorporated Village of] Bellerose, INCORPORATED VILLAGE
OF ............................................. 100,000
[Incorporated Village of] East Williston,
INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF ........................ 100,000
[Incorporated Village of] Floral Park, INCORPORATED
VILLAGE OF ..................................... 100,000
[Incorporated Village of] Floral Park, INCORPORATED
VILLAGE OF ..................................... 100,000
[Incorporated Village of] Kensington Park,
INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF ........................ 100,000
[Incorporated Village of Mineola ................ 100,000]
[Incorporated Village of] New Hyde Park,
INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF ........................ 150,000
[Incorporated Village of Plandome ............... 100,000]
[Incorporated Village of] Plandome Heights,
INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF ........................ 100,000
[Incorporated Village of Port Washington North . 150,000]

[Incorporated Village of] Saddle Rock,
INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF ........................ 100,000
[Incorporated Village of] Stewart Manor,
INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF ........................ 100,000
[Incorporated Village of] Westbury, INCORPORATED VILLAGE
OF ............................................. 150,000
[Incorporated Village of] Williston Park, INCORPORATED
VILLAGE OF ..................................... 100,000
Independent Living, Inc. ......................... 250,000
Irish Repertory Theatre Company, Inc., The ....... 100,000
Islip Union Free School District ................. 100,000
Islip, Town of - Bay Shore Marina .............. 1,500,000
Islip, Town of - Community Plaza Site Preparation 400,000
Islip, Town of - Installation of Spraypark in Timberline
Park ........................................... 500,000
Islip, Town of - Lion's Field .................... 250,000
Islip, Town of - Maple Avenue Dock Project ....... 750,000
Islip, Town of - Purchase & Installation of
Decorative Streetlights & Brick Pavers for
the East Islip Main Street Restoration
Project ........................................ 100,000
Islip, Town of ................................. 2,000,000
It Takes A Community To Raise A Child ............ 100,000
Italian American Museum ........................ 1,000,000
[Italian Hospital Society ..................... 1,000,000]
Italian Hospital Society ....................... 2,500,000
.SO DOC S R2682 RESO TEXT 2013
Jamaica Business Resource Center ................. 110,000
Jamaica Hospital Medical Center .................. 100,000
Jamestown Board of Public Utilities -
Geological Stratographic Test Well & Core
Sample Analysis .............................. 2,000,000
Jericho Road Ministries, Inc. .................... 100,000
Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services, Inc200,000
Jewish Community Center of Greater Buffalo, Inc....200,000
Jewish Federation of Ulster County, Inc. ......... 250,000
[Jewish Museum, The ............................. 250,000]
Johnstown, City of - Water Quality Project ....... 350,000
Kent, Town of - Performing Arts Center ........... 400,000
Keon Center ...................................... 100,000
Kiryas Joel, Village of - Women's Services Center 500,000
Kleinhans Music Hall Management, Inc. ............ 700,000
Concord Grape Belt Heritage Association, Inc. .. 1,050,000
Lancaster, Town of ............................... 100,000
Larkin Development Group, LLC .................... 150,000
Lewis County Agricultural Society - Fair
Ground Infrastructure .......................... 100,000
Lewis County General Hospital .................... 250,000
Lincoln Depot Foundation ......................... 100,000
Living Resources Corporation.......................650,000
Lloyd, Town of - Revitalization .................. 250,000
Locust Point Civic Association, Inc. ............. 100,000
Long Beach, City of - Streetscape Improvements ... 200,000
Long Island Forum for Technology, Inc.
(LIFT) Advanced Composite & Intelligent
Materials Laboratory & Innovation Center .... 10,000,000

Long Island Gay and Lesbian Youth, Inc. LIGALY ... 100,000
Long Island Housing Partnership, Inc. -
Central Islip Community Stabilization
Project ........................................ 150,000
Lothlorien Therapeutic Riding Center, Inc. ....... 175,000
Lower Eastside Girls Club of New York, Inc., The . 200,000
Luna Park Housing Corporation .................. 1,000,000
Lynbrook, Incorporated Village of - Street-
scape Improvements ............................. 150,000
Madison Square Girls and Boys Club ............... 100,000
Magnolia Tree Earth Center of Bedford-Stu[100,000]I250,000
Mahopac Central School District .................. 150,000
Mamakating, Town of - Town Improvements .......... 150,000
Manhasset Union Free School District ............. 100,000
Manhasset Public Library ......................... 100,000
Manhasset Union Free School District -
Improvements & Upgrades to the Studio Art
Room ........................................... 100,000
Manhasset-Lakeville Fire District ................ 100,000
Margaretville Memorial Hospital .................. 100,000
Massapequa Park, Incorporated Village of -
Alternative Energy Project.......................250,000
Massapequa Union Free School District -
Alternative Energy Project.......................250,000
Massena, Town of d/b/a Massena Memorial Hospital . 100,000
Meals on Wheels Foundation of Western New York, Inc375,000
Medaille College (College Entrance) .............. 100,000
Medgar Evers College of the City University of New 100,000
Mental Health Association of Rockland County ..... 150,000
Merrick Union Free School District - Alter-
native Energy Project .......................... 250,000
Middle Country Central School District - Facility Upgrades
................................................ 260,000
Mineola Union Free School District ................100,000
Mineola Union Free School District - Reno-
vations to the Science Labs at the Mineola
High School & Middle School .................... 150,000
Mineola Volunteer Ambulance Corps, Inc. MVAC .... 100,000
Mineola, Incorporated Village of ................. 100,000
Mineola, Incorporated Village of - Flood Mitigation800,000
Mineola, Incorporated Village of - Replace-
ment of the Roofing for the Emergency
Management Facilities Complex .................. 100,000
Molloy College - Student Center ................ 2,500,000
Monroe County - Regional Crime Lab ............. 8,000,000
Morris Heights Health Center, Inc. ............... 240,000
[Mount Carmel Center for Senior Citizens]
COUNCIL OF BELMONT ORGANIZATION ................ 100,000
Mount Vernon, City of ............................ 225,000
Museum of Contemporary African Diasporian Arts, Inc800,000
Museums at Mitchel - Cradle of Aviation Museum ... 300,000
Nassau Community College ......................... 100,000
Nassau County - Flood Mitigation ................. 800,000
Nathan Littauer Hospital Association d/b/a
Nathan Littauer Hospital and Nursing Home
National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum, Inc. .. 500,000
Nazareth College of Rochester - Arts Center......1,000,000

Neighborhood Housing Services of New York City, Inc500,000
Neighborhood Housing Services of New York City, Inc100,000
Neptune Hose Company No. 1 of Dryden, Inc. -
Facility Expansion...............................100,000
New 42nd Street, Inc., The ....................... 100,000
New Hope Community Resources Center/Newhope
Christian Fellowship ........................... 100,000
New Horizons Resources, Inc. - Professional
.SO DOC S R2682 RESO TEXT 2013
Development Center ............................. 750,000
New Hyde Park Fire District ...................... 100,000
New Hyde Park-Garden City Park Union Free
School District ................................ 100,000
New Hyde Park-Garden City Park Union Free
School District - Renovations & Upgrades
to four Schools in the District ................ 150,000
New Hyde Park, Incorporated Village of -
Renovation of the Marcus Gill Theatre &
Youth Center ................................... 100,000
New York City Board of Education - Bronx
Middle School Academy PS 75 .................... 245,000
New York City Board of Education - Forest
Hills High School 28Q440 ....................... 100,000
New York City Board of Education - PS 100 ........ 117,000
New York City Board of Education - PS 364,
PS 64 & Tompkins Square Middle School .......... 200,000
New York City Board of Education - PS 41
Parent Teachers Association .................... 200,000
[New York City Board of Education - PS 5 ........ 115,000]
[New York City Board of Education - PS69 ........ 226,000]
New York City Board of Education - Equipment
& Infrastructure ............................. 1,200,000
New York City Board of Education ................. 100,000
New York City Board of Education ................. 100,000
[New York City Board of Education ............... 100,000]
[New York City Board of Education ............... 100,000]
[New York City Board of Education ............. 1,000,000]
New York City Board of Education ................. 500,000
New York City Board of Education - East
Bronx Academy for the Future.................... 300,000
New York City Board of Education - Fort
Hamilton High School- Science Lab .............. 250,000
New York City Board of Education - PS 140 -
Technology Upgrades - New Computers, Smart
Boards & Projectors for Classrooms
New York City Board of Education - PS 40 -
Technology Upgrades & Rehabilitation of
School Building ................................ 250,000
New York City Board of Education - PS/IS 208 ..... 125,000
New York City Board of Education - The Acad-
emy of Career & Living Skills .................. 200,000
New York City Board of Education Public School 126 250,000
New York City Board of Education Public School 58 225,000
New York City Department of Parks & Recre-
ation - Alley Pond Environmental Center,
Inc. ......................................... 1,000,000

New York City Department of Parks & Recreation ... 500,000
New York City Department of Parks and Recre-
ation - [Bowne] LITTLE BAY Park ................ 200,000
New York City Department of Parks and Recre-
ation - City Parks Foundation
REHABILITATION PROJECT ......................... 100,000
New York City Department of Parks and Recre-
ation - Shore Road.............................1,500,000
New York City Housing Authority .................. 100,000
New York City Housing Authority ................ 1,400,000
New York City Housing Authority .................. 200,000
New York City Housing Authority .................. 750,000
New York City Police Department - 61st & 63rd Preci250,000
New York Historical Society, The ................. 250,000
New York Shakespeare Festival d/b/a The Public Thea200,000
New York Urban League, The ....................... 250,000
Newark-Wayne Community Hospital ................ 1,000,000
Newburgh, City of - Sewer System Relocation ...... 500,000
Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority .......1,000,000
Nissequogue River State Park - Kings Park ...... 4,000,000
NOCO Energy Corp. ................................ 400,000
North Bellmore Union Free School District -
Alternative Energy Project ..................... 250,000
North Brooklyn Development Corporation ........... 500,000
North Hempstead, Town of - Flood Mitigation ...... 800,000
North Merrick Union Free School District -
Alternative Energy Project ..................... 250,000
Long Island Jewish Medical Center
Schneider's Children's Hospital .............. 1,000,000
North Shore Child and Family Guidance Association, 250,000
North Shore University Hospital ................ 1,000,000
Northern Metropolitan Patient Safety Institute, Inc100,000
Northern Westchester Hospital Association -
Emergency Department ........................... 250,000
Nyack College .................................... 200,000
NYSARC, Inc. - New York City Chapter (AHRC) ...... 500,000
O'Connor Hospital ................................ 100,000
Occupations, Inc. - Mental Health & Child
Welfare Treatment Center ....................... 250,000
OLDER ADULTS TECHNOLOGY SERVICES ................. 100,000
Oneida County - Sewer Improvements ............... 950,000
Oneonta Lodge No. 1312, Benevolent and
Protective Order of Elks , Inc
Oneonta, City of ................................. 250,000
.SO DOC S R2682 RESO TEXT 2013
Onondaga County - Interoperable Communications Sy1,000,000
Orange County - Municipal Park Improvements ...... 900,000
Orchestra of St. Luke's .......................... 100,000
Otsego County Industrial Development Authority ... 100,000
Otsego County Industrial Development Authority ... 250,000
OUR LADY OF GRACE - SENIOR PROGRAM ............... 100,000
Oyster Bay, Town of - Historic Barn Restoration .. 250,000
Oyster Bay, Town of - Mobile Emergency
Management Center .............................. 300,000

Oyster Bay, Town of - Marjorie R. Post
Community Center Solar Conversion .............. 250,000
Patchogue-Medford Union Free School District ..... 200,000
Patchogue, Incorporated Village of ............... 500,000
Pathfinder Village, Inc. - Renovations ........... 100,000
Patterson, Town of - Court House Construction .. 1,000,000
Patterson, Town of - Recreation Area ............. 100,000
Pawling, Village of - Downtown Economic
Development in the Village Green Area .......... 250,000
Peekskill Salvation Army ......................... 100,000
Pelham Community Rowing Association, Inc. ........ 100,000
Pelham, Town of .................................. 104,000
[Peninsula Hospital Center ............................ 0]
[Per Scholas, Inc. .............................. 250,000]
Philipstown, Town of - Town Hall ................. 200,000
[Plandome, Village of Fire Department ........... 100,000]
Plandome, Village of Fire Department -
Facility Improvements .......................... 100,000
Planting Fields Foundation - Historic Camel-
lia Green House ................................ 250,000
[Polytechnic Institute of New York University ... 150,000]
Polytechnic Institute of New York University
- Center of Innovation ....................... 2,000,000
Port Washington Fire Department, Inc. ............ 100,000
Port Washington North, Village of - Recon-
struction of Pleasant Avenue Roadway and
Sidewalks ...................................... 150,000
Port Washington Public Library ................... 100,000
Port Washington Union Free School District ....... 100,000
Poughkeepsie-Highland Railroad Bridge Co.,
Inc. d/b/a Walkway Over the Hudson ........... 1,250,000
Poughkeepsie , Waterfront Development Project .... 500,000
Pratt Area Community Council ..................... 300,000
Pratt Institute .................................. 100,000
Pratt Institute - Digital Arts Laboratory ........ 250,000
Providence Rest .................................. 100,000
Putnam Community Foundation, The ............... 2,000,000
Putnam Lake Veterans of Foreign Wars - Reno-
vations for ADA Compliance ..................... 100,000
Putnam Valley, Town of - Town Facilities ......... 250,000
Quality Services for the Autism Community (QSAC), I150,000
Queens Borough Public Library, The ............... 200,000
Queens Borough Public Library, The - Rich-
mond Hill & Ozone Park Branches ................ 600,000
Queens Library - Queens Borough Public Library ... 125,000
Ramapo, Town of Equestrian Center ................ 200,000
Red Hook Initiative, Inc. ........................ 100,000
Regional Aid for Interim Needs, Inc. ............. 100,000
Remington Arms Company, Inc. ................... 1,500,000
Remsen Senior Center ............................. 100,000
Rensselaer, City of .............................. 590,000
Richmond Medical Center d/b/a Richmond
University Medical Center .................... 1,250,000
Ride for Life, Inc. ............................ 1,000,000
Ridgewood Bushwick Senior Citizens Council, Inc. . 100,000
Rochester General Hospital, The ................ 1,000,000
Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation
Authority - CityGate Satellite Transit Center 6,000,000

Rochester Institute of Technology ................ 500,000
Rochester Institute of Technology - Golisano
Institute for Sustainability ................. 8,000,000
Rockland Center for the Arts, Inc. ............... 100,000
Rockland County Young Men's Christian Association 100,000
Rockland Opportunity Development Associ-
ation, Inc. - Kaser Community Center ........... 150,000
Rockville Centre, Incorporated Village of -
Auxilliary Police Building ..................... 150,000
[Rome, City of .................................. 150,000]
Rome, City of - Pinti Field ...................... 100,000
Rose Memorial Library Association ................ 100,000
[Roslyn Bulldogs Booster Association Inc. ....... 100,000]
Roslyn Highlands Hook And Ladder, Engine And
Hose Company, The .............................. 100,000
Rescue Hook and Ladder Company Number One, The ... 100,000
Roslyn Union Free School District ................ 100,000
Roslyn Union Free School District ................ 150,000
[Roslyn Union Free School District - Reno-
vations to the High School Cafeteria .......... 100,000]
[Roycroft Campus Corporation .................... 100,000]
Ryan/Chelsea-Clinton Community Health Center, Inc. 100,000
Sachem Central School District ................... 300,000
Sachem Public Library ............................ 250,000
Safe Harbors of the Hudson, Inc. d/b/a Safe
Harbors of the Hudson - Ritz Theater
Restoration .................................... 250,000
Samuel Field YM & YWHA, Inc. ..................... 100,000
Samuel Field YM & YWHA, Inc. ..................... 525,000
Saratoga Springs City Center Authority ......... 6,000,000
.SO DOC S R2682 RESO TEXT 2013
[Saratoga Technology & Energy Park - Silicon
Carbide Semiconductor Manufacturing Facil-
ity ......................................... 1,750,000]
SBH Community Service Network, Inc. d/b/a,
Sephardic Bikur Holim and Ma'Oz La'Ebyon
SBH Community Service Network, Inc. d/b/a,
Sephardic Bikur Holim and Ma'Oz La'Ebyon - Expans250,000
SBH Community Service Network, Inc. d/b/a,
Sephardic Bikur Holim and Ma'Oz La'Ebyon ....... 225,000
Scenic Hudson Land Trust, Inc., The - Long
Dock Beacon Park ............................. 1,200,000
Schenectady Museum Association ................... 250,000
Schoharie County - Fire Training Facility ........ 250,000
Schuyler County Partnership for Economic
Development, Inc. (SCOPED) - US Salt, LLC ...... 850,000
Science Festival Foundation, The d/b/a World
Science Festival ............................... 100,000
Seaford Union Free School District - Alter-
native Energy Project .......................... 250,000
[Second Chance Ministries Community Development Co100,000]
Selden Centereach Youth Association .............. 250,000
Seneca County IDA - Veteran's Cemetery ........... 800,000
Seneca Park Zoo Society .......................... 500,000
Sephardic Community Youth Center, Inc. ........... 100,000
Seton Health System, Inc. - Saint Mary's
Hospital Emergency Room Expansion .............. 500,000
Sewanhaka Central High School District ........... 100,000

Shawangunk, Town of - Town Park Development ...... 200,000
Shea's -O'Connell Preservation Guild, Ltd. ....... 300,000
Shea's -O'Connell Preservation Guild, Ltd. ....... 100,000
Shelter Rock Public Library ...................... 100,000
Shema Kolainu-Hear Our Voices .................... 100,000
Sherburne Area Local Development Corporation
- Electric Park Infrastructure ................. 100,000
Sid Jacobson Jewish Community Center, Inc. ....... 100,000
Skidmore College ............................... 4,000,000
Smith Center for the Arts, Inc. - Air Condi-
tioning of the Facility ........................ 750,000
Smithtown, Town of - Nichols Road Stormwater
& Flooding Remediation ......................... 750,000
Society for the Preservation of Weeksville
and Bedford-Stuyvesant History ................. 100,000
Solar Energy Consortium, Inc. d/b/a TSEC ......... 750,000
Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation - Frank
Lloyd Wright Building Upgrades ................. 250,000
Somers, Town of - Renovation of Little League Field100,000
South Blooming Grove, Village of - Water
District Improvements .......................... 500,000
South Buffalo Railway Company - Yard & Track
Rehabilitation ............................... 2,800,000
South Country Central School District ............ 125,000
South Floral Park Fire District .................. 100,000
South Queens Boys & Girls Club, Inc. d/b/a
South Queens Boys and Girls Club ............. 1,500,000
Southern Tier Library System - Dormann Library ... 250,000
Southern Tier Economic Growth, Inc. (STEG) -
Chemung County Commerce Center ................. 600,000
Southhold, Town of ............................... 250,000
[Spanish Theatre Repertory Company, Ltd.
(aka Repertorio Espanol)
St. Augustine's Episcopal Church ................. 100,000
St. Barnabas Hospital ............................ 455,000
St. Catherine of Siena Medical Center -
Women's Health Pavillion ....................... 250,000
St. Clare Hospital of Schenectady, N.Y. .......... 250,000
St. Elizabeth Medical Center ..................... 250,000
St. Francis Center at the Knolls, Inc. d/b/a
Mount Alverno Center ........................... 100,000
St. Francis Hospital, Roslyn, New York ........... 250,000
St. John Fisher College ........................ 1,500,000
St. Joseph's College, New York ................... 250,000
St. Luke Baptist Church, Inc. .................... 100,000
St. Mary's Hospital at Amsterdam Consol-
idation Construction ......................... 1,000,000
St. Peter's Hospital of the City of Albany ..... 1,500,000
State University of New York at Farmingdale ...... 200,000
State University of New York at Stony Brook
- Agriculture Consumer Science Center at
Stony Brook University Incubator at
Calverton .................................... 3,500,000
Staten Island Community Center, Inc. ............. 250,000
Staten Island University Hospital .............. 2,000,000
Staten Island Zoological Society, Inc. ........... 100,000
Stony Point Ambulance Corps., Inc. ............... 100,000

Stony Point, Town of ............................. 100,000
Strycker's Bay Neighborhood Council, Inc. ........ 100,000
Strycker's Bay Neighborhood Council, Inc. ........ 100,000
Suffern, Village of - Department of Public Works . 100,000
Suffolk County Soil & Water Conservation
District - Installation of Deer Fencing ........ 800,000
Suffolk County Sports Hall of Fame ............... 250,000
Sullivan County Industrial Development Agen-
cy - Town of Thompson .......................... 900,000
Syracuse Film City Center , Inc. ............... 1,500,000
Tabernacle of Praise Top Civic Center d/b/a
.SO DOC S R2682 RESO TEXT 2013
Top Development Corporation .................... 100,000
Tanglewood Manor, Inc. - Geriatric Wellness Center 100,000
Theater for the New City Foundation, Inc. ........ 100,000
Three Rivers Development Foundation, Inc. ........ 100,000
Tompkins County Area Development Inc. - RPM
Ecosystems LLC ................................. 100,000
Top Development Corporation .................... 100,000
[Town of] Cheektowaga, TOWN OF ................... 700,000
[Town of] Grand Island, TOWN OF (sewer treatment) 250,000
[Town of] North Hempstead, TOWN OF (Green
Senior Buses) .................................. 100,000
[Town of] North Hempstead, TOWN OF (Schu-
macher House) .................................. 500,000
Trustees of Union College in the Town of
Schenectady in the State of New York, The
- Science & Engineering Center ................. 300,000
Tuckahoe Union Free School District .............. 100,000
Ulster-Greene Counties Chapter, NYSARC, Inc. - Elle100,000
United Cerebral Palsy Association of Greater Suffolk, Inc.
................................................ 240,000
United Jewish Organizations of Williamsburg ...... 400,000
United Jewish Organizations of Williamsburg ...... 250,000
United Jewish Organizations of Williamsburg ...... 100,000
United Memorial Medical Center ................... 500,000
Park Ridge Nursing Home, Inc. d/b/a Park
Ridge Living Center ............................ 250,000
STATE University OF NEW YORK at Albany ......... 1,150,000
University of Rochester - Golisano Children's Hospi250,000
Untermyer Performing Arts Council, Inc. .......... 100,000
Utica, City of - Gateway Project ................. 600,000
Vails Gate Fire District ......................... 250,000
Valley Community Association, Inc., The .......... 250,000
John W. LaVelle Preparatory Charter School, The . 100,000
Veterans Outreach Center, Inc. ................... 250,000
Victims Information Bureau of Suffolk, Inc. ...... 500,000
Vigilant Engine and Hook and Ladder Company, Inc. 100,000
Visual Arts Research and Resource Center
Relating to the Caribbean, Inc. ................ 250,000
[Wagner College ................................. 100,000]
Wagner College - Spiro Hall Planetarium Renovation 250,000
PROJECT ON EAST MAIN STREET .................... 100,000
Warwick, Town of - Water Treatment Facility ...... 200,000
Washington County Board of Supervisors - Batten Kill Rail-
road ......................................... 1,000,000
Washington County LDC ............................ 100,000

West Seneca, Town of ............................. 350,000
West Side Center for Community Life .............. 100,000
Westbury Fire District ........................... 100,000
Westbury Memorial Public Library ................. 100,000
Westbury Union Free School District .............. 100,000
Westbury Union Free School District - Reno-
vations to Biology Rooms #125 & #127 at
Westbury High School ........................... 150,000
Westchester Arts Council, Inc., d/b/a Arts Westches100,000
Westchester Community Opportunity Program,
Inc. d/b/a WestCOP ............................. 100,000
[Westchester County ............................. 500,000]
Westchester County Police ........................ 140,000
Western New York Public Broadcasting Association . 100,000
[Whitestone Hebrew Centre ....................... 250,000]
Whitney M. Young, Jr. Foundation, The - Troy
Oral Health Services ........................... 500,000
Wildlife Conservation Society .................... 100,000
Wildlife Conservation Society .................... 750,000
William Floyd Union Free School District ......... 150,000
Williston Park Fire Department ................... 100,000
Winthrop-University Hospital Association ......... 400,000
WNYC Public Radio - State of the Art Radio
Communications Facility ...................... 2,000,000
Woman's Christian Association of Jamestown,
N.Y., The - Emergency Room Renovations
Wood Library Association of Canandaigua .......... 200,000
Wyandanch Public Library ......................... 500,000
Wyoming County - Fire Training Facility .......... 300,000
Xerox Corporation ................................ 250,000
Yorktown [Little League], TOWN OF - Reno-
vation of Rte. 202 Ball Fields & Inline
Rink ........................................... 150,000
Yorktown, Town of ................................ 100,000
Yorktown, Town of - Senior/Community Center ...... 100,000
Young Men's Christian Association of Greater
New York - YMCA Coney Island ................... 250,000
ROCHESTER, THE ............................... 1,500,000
Young Men's Christian Association of Hornell, New Y250,000
Young Men's Christian Association of King-
ston & Ulster County, Inc. ..................... 200,000
ISLAND, INCORPORATED, THE ...................... 350,000
Young Men's Christian Association of Long
Island, Incorporated, The - Brookhaven ROE
YMCA ........................................... 150,000
Young Men's Christian Association of Newburgh, N.Y.250,000
.SO DOC S R2682 RESO TEXT 2013
Young Men's Christian Association of the Capital Di100,000
Young Men's Christian Association of the
Capital District, The .......................... 200,000
Young Women's Christian Association of Brooklyn, Th200,000
[Youth America, Inc. ............................ 100,000]
[Youth Ministries for Peace and Justice, Inc. ... 150,000]
Zoological Society of Buffalo, Inc. d/b/a Buffalo Z150,000


  • 21 / Jun / 2013

Resolution Details

Law Section:
Resolutions, Legislative


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