
Commemorating the observance of Portugal Day in the State of New York, on June 10, 2019

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Senate Resolution No. 1722

BY: Senator KAPLAN

COMMEMORATING the observance of Portugal Day in
the State of New York, on June 10, 2019

WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body, in keeping with
its time-honored traditions, to recognize and pay tribute to those
events which foster ethnic pride and enhance the profile of cultural
diversity which strengthens the fabric of the communities of New York
State; and

WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and in full accord with its
long-standing traditions, this Legislative Body is justly proud to
commemorate the observance of Portugal Day in the State of New York, on
June 10, 2019; and

WHEREAS, The Annual New York State Portugal Day Parade, hosted by
the New York Portuguese American Leadership Conference (NYPALC), will be
held in Mineola on Sunday, June 9, 2019; this year's Grand Marshal is
Portuguese-American Paul Pereira, Deputy Mayor of the Village of
Mineola; and

WHEREAS, This auspicious Parade brings together over 10,000 members
of the New York Portuguese-American community to enjoy a celebration of
culture and national pride in the Village of Mineola; and

WHEREAS, Every 10th day of June, the Portuguese observes Portugal
Day, their national holiday known as Dia de Portugal which celebrates
the history and heritage of Portuguese people throughout the world; and

WHEREAS, This date also commemorates the death of Luis de Camoes, a
significant figure in the history of Portugal; he is best known for his
work on Lusiadas, the national epic poem of Portugal which celebrates
the nation's successes and rich history; and

WHEREAS, Although this holiday is only celebrated officially in the
homeland, Portuguese citizens from countries such as India, Brazil,
Canada, and other European nations also celebrate Portugal Day; and

WHEREAS, The Lusiadas is an epic poem that depicts the achievements
of the Portuguese in world explorations during the 16th Century;
Portugal played an important role in the discovery of the new world
during this century and their accomplishments have definitely put this
European country on the map; and

WHEREAS, In fact, legendary voyager Ferdinand Magellan hails from
this proud nation; Camoes' poem captures the essence of this golden era
for the Portuguese as it remains as one of the finest and most relevant
works in Portuguese literature; and

WHEREAS, A monument built in memory of Luis de Camoes stands proudly
in one of the busiest streets of beautiful Lisbon, the country's capital
city; it immortalizes the character of Portugal's national poet and
appropriately represent who he was as a person; and

WHEREAS, Luis de Camoes was known to be an adventurer; among his
many escapades include surviving a shipwreck in the region of
Cochinchina (now known as Vietnam), and losing an eye while in battle in
Ceuta; legend has it that in order to save the Lusiadas, Camoes had to
keep it afloat with one of his hands, while he used his other arm to
swim through the unforgiving waters of the region's seas; and

WHEREAS, His patriotism and bravery are just a few of the qualities
Luis de Camoes had that made the nation choose to celebrate Portugal Day
in his honor; and

WHEREAS, Portugal was conquered by Spain in the year 1580; it is
quite ironic that the nation lost its independence in the year that saw
the death of Camoes; after three generations and 60 years of Spanish
rule, Portugal regained its independence on December 1, 1640; and

WHEREAS, Since then, the country's national day was established and
subsequently celebrated on June 10th; it is because of uncertainties on
Camoes' birth date that Portugal Day was established to commemorate the
hero's death; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
commemorate the observance of Portugal Day in the State of New York, on
June 10, 2019; and be it further

RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to President Isabelle Coelho-Marques, New York Portuguese
American Leadership Conference.


  • 31 / May / 2019
  • 04 / Jun / 2019
  • 04 / Jun / 2019

Resolution Details

Law Section:
Resolutions, Legislative


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