Important Community Resources
Diane J. Savino
September 9, 2009
- Civil Service and Pensions
Community Resources
Staten Island organizations:
Art Lab, Inc.
A school of fine and applied art also does exhibitions and events.
1000 Richmond Terrace Staten Island, NY 10301
Phone: 718-447-8667 Fax: 718-447-8668
Bloomfield Conservancy
An organization dedicated to the conservation of wildlife and wildlife habitats
900 South Ave Staten Island, NY 10314
Phone: (718) 477-2100
Offers a database for artistic outlets for all peoples on Staten Island.
Children’s Issues
Brooklyn Organizations:
Agency for Child Development
Provides subsidized child care in the form of day care or child care, also for children with disabilities; can also request to be put on a voucher waiting list. For low and middle class income must meet an income level based on number of people in family
151 Lawrence Street, 3rd Floor Brooklyn, NY 11201 (differs per borough)
Brooklyn hours (8am- 3pm)
To apply dial 311 and ask for subsidized child care; must request an application package and send back to address in package; also offers assistance to elderly for filling out forms
Coney Island Library After School Program After school program for elementary, middle and high school students. The program operates on a drop-in basis year-round and offers academics, arts and music. Also available for adults, classes on Chinese and English
1901 Mermaid Avenue Brooklyn, NY11224 Phone: (718) 265-3220
Gravesend Community Center NYCHA After School Program
After school program for elementary, middle and high school students. The program operates year-round and offers academics, arts, music and sports. Enrollment is required
3146 Bayview Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11224
Phone: (718) 266-2441
NYC Organizations:
Catholic Youth Organization
Provides spiritual, athletic, cultural and recreational programs to youth and young adults of the Archdiocese of New York.
1011 First Avenue New York, NY 10022
Phone: (212) 371-1000
Child Care Inc.
Information and consultation to parents about childcare; also available in Spanish
Professional training and development to the field, advocacy and analysis to influence public policy and practice
Child Care, Inc.
322 Eight Avenue, 4th Floor New York, NY 10001
For General Information – 212.929.7604
For Parents – 212.929.4999
To find a provider Health Plus Provider Care Center (all provider inquiries)- (800) 450-8753
City Parks Department Playground Program
Offers an after-school program for ages 7 to 13 with programs such a homework helper and various sports.
Registration end Sept/Oct
Pier 6 and Murray Hulbert Avenue 10301
Phone: (718) 816-6172
Staten Island Organizations:
Seamen's Society
Child welfare agency serves Staten Island and Brooklyn. Programs offered include domestic violence intervention, education support, foster care adoption, and HIV/AIDs services.
25 Hyatt Street 10301-1827
Phone: (888) 837-6687
Community Development
Brooklyn Organizations:
ACORN The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, is the nation's largest community organization of low- and moderate-income families, working together for social justice and stronger communities. 2-4 Nevins Street 2nd Floor Brooklyn, NY 11217 Phone: (718) 246 – 7900 Fax: (718) 246 – 7939
UPROSE (Sunset Park)
UPROSE is dedicated to the development of Southwest Brooklyn and the empowerment of its residents primarily through broad and converging environmental, sustainable development, and youth justice campaigns
166A 22nd Street, Brooklyn, New York 11232
Phone: (718) 492-9307
Fax: (718) 492-9030
Staten Island Organizations:
Brighton Community Local Development Corporation
(in conjunction with SBA Women'sCenter)
Offers support for small businesses, such as counseling and seminars to open or expand small business. Also support for women and minorities
1207 Castleton Avenue
Phone: (718) 816-4775
Community Centers
Brooklyn Organizations:
American Italian Coalition of Organizations (AMICO) Offers assistance with applications for food, medical and entitlements 138 Bay 20th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11214 Phone: 718-256-3445
Bensonhurst COJO
Provides services for the community primarily the elderly includes employment services, scholarships, citizenship and ESL classes, crisis intervention and community events
8635 21st Avenue Suite 1b, Brooklyn, NY 11214
Phone: 718 333 1834
F: 718 333 1837
Boro Park YM-YWHA
Children's Services (pool, day care center), Senior Center, Specialized programs for holocaust survivors, Social Services, Youth Services
4912 14th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11219
Phone: 718-438-5921
Brighton Neighborhood Association
Social work, translations, Benefits Counseling, Children's Services, Community Relations Services, Cultural Programs, Housing Services, Immigration Legal Services, Immigration Legal Services, Senior Citizen Services, Youth Services, Art Gallery
1121 Brighton Beach Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11235
Phone: 718-891-0800
Brooklyn Chinese-American Association
Benefits Counseling, Children's Services, Citizenship Services, Cultural programs, Day Care Services, Education Services, Health Services, Interpretation and Translation Services, Crime and Victims Services, Senior Citizen Services ,Social Services, Youth Services
5002 8th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11220
Phone: 718-438-9312
Edith and Carl Marks Jewish Community House of Bensonhurst
Senior Center Adult/Literacy, Benefits Counseling, Business Counseling, Citizenship Services, Cultural Programs, Day Care Services, Domestic Violence Services, Education Services, Employment and Training Services, Health Services, Immigration and Resettlement Assistance, Interpretation and Translation Services, Mental Health Services, Senior Citizen Services, Social Services, Youth Services (Pool)
7802 Bay Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11214
Phone: 718-331-6800 ext. 110
On line: (also Available in Russian)
Jewish Community House of Bensonhurst
Includes programs for children and teens, a summer camp, immigrant services and social services
7802 Bay Parkway Brooklyn, NY 11214
Phone: (718) 331-6800
The Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island
services of all segments of the population including the aged, the vocationally disadvantaged poor, refugees, and educationally at-risk . In addition, the council provides non-profit community based organizations with technical assistance in upgrading their management capacity.
3001 West 37th Street Brooklyn, New York 11224
Phone: 718-449-5000
NYC Organizations:
Catholic Charities Community Services, Archdiocese of New York
Case management, information and referral, emergency food services, employment training and placement, homelessness prevention, immigration and refugee services, parish support, thrift store, blind services, deaf apostolate, residential services for the mentally challenged, youth recreational and spiritual services.
1011 First Avenue New York, NY 10022
Phone: (212) 371-1000
Volunteers of America
Children, Youth & Families Corrections, Developmental Disability Elderly Employment and Training Health Care Homeless Housing Mental Health Substance Abuse Veterans Understanding Homelessness Correctional Services At-Risk Youth Mental Health Services
Volunteers of America-Greater New York
340 West 85th Street New York, NY 10024-3800
Phone: 212-873-2600
Staten Island Organizations:
Council of Jewish Organizations of Staten Island, Inc
Adult and Youth, Benefits Counseling, Food/Nutrition Services, Health Services, Social Services 984 Post Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10302
Phone: 718-720-4047
Jewish Community Center of Staten Island
Adult and Youth, Adult/ Youth Literacy (ESL and GED), Benefits Counseling, Communication Therapy, Education Services, Health Services, HIV/AIDS Services, Legal Services, Social Services, Substance Abuse Services
475 Victory Blvd. and 1297 Arthur Kill Road, Staten Island, NY 10301
Phone: 718-356-8113
Fax: 718-946-8240
New York Urban League
Adult and Youth, Adult/ Youth Literacy (ESL and GED), Benefits Counseling, Communication Therapy, Education Services, Health Services, Housing Services
6 Van Duzer Street, Staten Island, NY 10301
Phone: 718-442-5579
Sky Light Center
Adult and Youth counseling and Rehabilitation, Adult/Youth Literacy (ESL and GED), Benefits Counseling, Education Services, GED, ESL, Computer, Health Services, Housing Services, Mental Health Services, Social Services
307 St. Marks Place, Staten Island, NY 10301
Phone: (718) 720-2585
Counseling and Rehabilitation
Brooklyn Organizations:
Bensonhurst Guidance Center
Children's Services, Family Counseling Services (therapists), Health Services, Mental Health Services, Substance Abuse
6201 16th Brooklyn, NY 11204
Phone: 718-256-8600
South Brooklyn Youth Consortium
Treatment for overcoming addiction to alcohol and drugs
2828 Neptune Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11224
Phone: 718-265-3225
Staten Island Organizations:
Camelot Counseling Center
Counseling, day service for adolescents (14 -18) , Outpatient program, Provides Services for battered men and women
263 Port Richmond Avenue 10302
Phone: (718) 981 - 8117 Fax: (718) 981 – 9344
Covenant House New York
Staten Island Center Providing non-residential support services to youths under 21. Counseling, referrals, educational and vocational services, Food services ect. Schedule an appt for further information
70 Bay Street 10301
Phone: (718) 876-9810
Fax: (718) 876 - 5338
NYC Organizations:
Coalition of Institutionalized Aged & Disabled
A non-profit, consumer-led advocacy organization to provide residents with the information and skills to advocate for themselves, to promote the rights off residents and to improve quality of life and care mostly adult care facilities
425 East 25th Street
Phone: (212) 481- 7572
Fax: (212) 481 – 5149
Staten Island Organizations:
A Very Special Place
Services for the developmentally and mentally disabled in order for them to achieve independence
1429 Hylan Blvd Staten Island, NY 10305
Phone: (718) 987-1234 fax: 718 987 - 6065
Staten Island Mental Health Society, Inc.
Adult/Literacy, Children and Youth, Cultural Services, Education Services, Health Services, Mental Health Services, Social Services, Substance Abuse Services
669 Castleton Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10301
Phone: 718 442-2225
Emergency Services
NYC Organizations:
Child Protective Services
To report an incident of child abuse and maltreatment
52 Washington Street • Rensselaer, New York 12144-2796
Phone: 1-800-342-3720
Safe Horizon
Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800.621.HOPE (4673)
Crime Victims Hotline: 866.689.HELP Rape, Sexual Assault & Incest Hotline: 212.227.3000 TDD phone number for all hotlines: 866.604.5350 Also offers legal services for Domestic Violence, Violence and Immigration Also caseworkers will help with claims such as food stamps, vouchers and Medicaid
2 Lafayette Street, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10007 Phone: 212.577.7700
Fax: 212-577-3897 Email:
Staten Island Organizations:
Domestic Violence Intervention Program
Provides outreach, crisis assistance and referrals to victims of family violence. 154 Lamport Boulevard 10305
Phone: (718) 390-0251
Fax: (718) 815 - 8310
Health Care
NYC Organizations:
AIDS Health Insurance Program (AHIP)
people with AIDS or HIV-related disease who are not Medicaid eligible, but cannot afford their own insurance New York City
330 West 34th Street, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10001
information & application (212) 367 - 1125 (only on Wednesday’s)
AIDS Hotline NYS
HIV Referrals & Support for both residents and non residents; provides information
455 1st Ave, New York NY 10016
hotline number: 800-541-2437; also available through 311
American Cancer Society
community-based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives and diminishing suffering from cancer through research, education, advocacy and service
173 Old Town Road, Staten Island, NY 10305
Phone: (718) 987-8872 Fax: (718) 351-0361
American Red Cross in Greater New York
Emergency response, Local disaster response, Fire relief as well as financial assistance to victims
Phone: 1-877-REDCROSS
Health Care Immunization Hotline
Offers free information on free immunizations in the community
Phone: (212) 349-2664
NYC Organizations:
Coalition for the Homeless
Shelter, housing, job training, emergency food, crisis intervention, and youth programs
129 Fulton Street New York, NY 10038
Phone: 212-776-2000
The Partnership for the Homeless
Access to employment, job training, and educational opportunities; links to quality healthcare in their new community, ongoing support and making community connections in order to build social capital
305 Seventh Avenue, 13th Floor New York, NY 10001 Family Resource Center: 100 Pennsylvania Avenue, Floor 2 Brooklyn, NY 11207
Furnish a Future 476 Jefferson Street Brooklyn, NY 11237 Phone: (212) 645-3444; (718) 875-0027, ext. 201; (718) 875 - 5353, ext. 21
Brooklyn Organizations:
Property value decline/ can't refinance , situations beyond your control, increased mortgage payment, adjustable rate mortgage, loss of income/job, bankruptcy, foreclosure prevention workshop
884 Flatbush Ave. bk NY 11226
(718) 282 2500 fax (718) 282 8329
Main Office: 1720 Church Ave. Bk NY 11226
Phone: (718) 287 2600 fax: (718) 287 0857
Staten Island Organizations:
Centro de la Hospitalidad
Referral program for housing, employment, and health services, including tuberculosis and asthma screenings for recently arrived Mexicans
100 Park Avenue Staten Island, 10302
phone: 718-448-1544; 718-273-6737
fax: 718 - 720 - 5476
All of NYC:
Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)
For low income New Yorkers a plan for home energy assistance also available for food stamps, child support
180 Water Street New York, NY 10038
Phone: (800) 692-0557 or HRA Info (877) 472 – 8411
Neighborhood Housing Services Of New York City
creating and preserving affordable housing and providing opportunities for homeownership education, financial assistance and community leadership.
Staten Island: 770 Castleton Avenue Staten Island, NY 10310
Phone: (718) 442 – 8080 Fax: (718) 442 – 8245
1012 Gates Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11221
Phone: 718 – 919 - 2100 Fax: 718 – 919 - 2725
NYCHA (New York City Housing Authority)
Section 8 housing
250 Broadway New York, NY 10007 212-306-3000
Section 8 Offices: Brooklyn 718-250-9777,9700, 5977
Job Centers
Brooklyn Organizations:
Astella Development Corporation
1618 Mermaid Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11224
Phone: (718) 266 - 4653
must bring resume, job referrals, job banks
Coney Island Job Center
3050 West 21st Street Brooklyn, NY 11224
Phone: (718) 333 - 3100
Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island
3001 West 37th St Brooklyn, NY 11224
Phone: 718-449-5000 ext 2273 fax: (718) 946 - 8240
offers job counseling, resume creating, vocational training, employment workshops, referrals to other resources and job placement assistance
Urban Neighborhood Services, Inc.
1718 Mermaid Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11224
Office: 347-374-2455 fax: (347) 374 – 2456
provides a job listing of available positions & referrals
Staten Island Organizations:
Richmond Job Center
201 Bay Street S. I., N.Y. 10301
Phone: (718) 556-7334, (718) 390 - 5103
also works in Medicare, bring appropriate documents
Work Force One
multiple locations:
60 Bay Street Staten Island, NY 10301
9 Bond Street, 5 th Floor Brooklyn, NY 11201
Staten Island: (718) 285 - 8388 fax: (718) 981 - 8749
Brooklyn: (718) 246 - 5219 Fax: (718) 246 - 3975
depends on location Must first attend workshops, offers job placement, career advisement, job search counseling and skills training
Legal Services
All of NYC:
Legal Service of New York
Free legal advice and representation to eligible individuals and groups in the following areas: Family Law , Domestic Violence , Government Benefits , Foreclosure Prevention, Immigration 36 Richmond Terrace, Ste. 205 (across the street from Staten Island ferry)
Staten Island, New York 10301
Tel: (718) 233-6480
Fax: (718) 448-2264
In Brooklyn Office areas of free legal advice include: Housing ,Family , Government Benefits, HIV/AIDS, Consumer, Employment ,Health , Education , Rights of People with Disabilities , Community Education & Empowerment, Foreclosure Prevention ,Child Care
South Brooklyn Legal Services
105 Court Street, 3rd Floor
Brooklyn, New York 11201
Tel: (718) 237-5500
Fax: (718) 855-0733
Legal Aid
Provides free legal services for clients who cannot afford to pay for counsel, the three major practices are Civil, Criminal and Juvenile Rights
For Brooklyn locations and contact information by practice:
For Staten Island locations and contact information by practice:
NYC Organizations:
Archdiocese of New York
Department of Parish and Community Outreach
Senior Center offers free and reduce cost meals, education, recreation and transportation (over 60). Also offers Case Management for anyone involved with eviction prevention, food pantry, immigration and referrals, also provides free help with forms and applications
120 Anderson Avenue 10302
Phone #1: (718) 447-6330 Phone # 2: (718) 447 - 5757 Fax: (718) 447-6060
Community Food Resource Center
Tax Assistance, Food Stamp Prescreening & Outreach,
39 Broadway, New York, NY 10006
Free Tax Counseling
Free tax return preparation assistance, most sites also offer free electronic filing (e-filing) must make less than $42,000
For locations use: Reading Out
7788 New Utrich 11214 (718) 373 - 4565
Partnership Homless Bldg 11207 (646) 552 - 0584
AARP Public Library 10304 888-227-7669
(VITA) 1-800-829-1040
(TCE) 1-800-829 - 1040
Project Hospitality
HIV/AIDS Services Housing and Shelter Services Mental Health Chemical Dependency Vocational Services Family Services Food and Nutrition Services Community Outreach
100 Park Avenue
T-(718) 448-1544
Staten Island Organizations:
Amazing Grace Interfaith Ministry
Performs religious ceremonies between peoples of mixed religions as well as bible Schools
1055 Richmond Road SI NY 10304
(718) 356 - 6441
All Of NYC:
Provides home attendant and/or housekeeping services to Medicaid-eligible clients who are having difficulty with at least one or more activities of daily life such as walking, cooking, cleaning ect.
main line: 877-472-8411
Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance Coverage (EPIC) Program
Helps seniors pay for their prescription drugs
NYS P.O. Box 15018 Albany, NY 12212-5018
Phone: 1-800-332-3742
Staten Island Organizations:
Meals on Wheels of Staten Island
Soup kitchen
304 Port Richmond Avenue Staten Island, NY 10302
All of NYC:
Provides transportation for people with disabilities both mental and physical in New York City
130 Livingston Street Brooklyn, NY 11201
to apply:
to arrange a trip: call toll free 877- 337-2017 gen for applications
to log a complaint call 718 - 330 - 3322
or send to MTA New York City Transit Para transit Division Customer Relations
130 Livingston Street Brooklyn, NY 11201
A free consumer dispute resolution service, resolve problems between NY motorists & franchised new car; includes: sales/leasing, Warranties, Lemon Law Information, Brochure Requests, Repairs, New or Used cars, Consumer Education & Outreach English & Spanish spoken NYS
Automotive Consumer Action Program
18-10 Whitestone Expressway Whitestone, NY 11357
Phone: 1-800-522-3881
Unemployment Assistance
NYC Organizations:
Unemployment Insurance Division To Collect Unemployment Benefits NYS
NYS Department of Labor W. Avetelll Harriman State Office Campus Building 12 Albany, NY 12240
Staten Island Organizations:
Unemployment Action Center
provides free legal assistance to individuals who wish to challenge their unemployment benefits determination issued by the New York Department of Labor
NYC 9 Von Street, Staten Island
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