Back In Business

Eric T. Schneiderman

July 11, 2009

After weeks of deadlock, I am relieved to report that the Senate is back in business. Thursday night, we passed a host of bills that are critical to the functioning of the state, including Power for Jobs, an extension of Timothy’s Law and revenue enhancers to balance New York City’s budget. But there’s a lot of work left to do. That’s why we are headed back to Albany next week for another session.

Marriage equality, the Reproductive Health Act, real rent reform, paid family leave, tax relief for the middle class, the Crime Gun Identification Act, the Farm Workers Bill of Rights, mortgage and pension fraud legislation, school governance reform and other essential bills must be addressed as soon as possible.

This has not been the proudest chapter in our state’s history, but I am hopeful that our restored majority will work for the people in a responsive and responsible way moving forward. New Yorkers deserve nothing less.