Please donate to help ship T-Shirts for Haiti

Andrew J Lanza

February 7, 2010

A donor is willing to give $2,500 towards the shipping costs if we are able to match the funds! Deadline is July 9, 2010. Please donate and help us get enough money to ship our T-Shirts for Haiti.

Senator Lanza is partnering with Where to Turn to ask individuals, schools, businesses and organizations to hold T-Shirt Collection Drives.

The goal is to collect 25,000 T-Shirts for Haiti victims.

If you have extra t-shirts, from your school or from an event or just extra ones that you bought but don’t wear please consider donating them.

Senator Lanza's Office at 3845 Richmond Ave. is a drop off location in addition to these locations:

Where to Turn which will also accept donations specifically for the purchase and transport of T Shirts and supplies to Haiti.

T-Shirts will be collected through February shipping will be coordinated in the beginning of March.

Tax deductible donations can be sent to

Where to Turn
150-L Greaves Lane # 312
Staten Island, NY 10308

Please note Haiti Relief on your check

Credit card donations can be made through the Network for Good

At our website


Or through our 25,000 T Shirts for Haiti Facebook Cause at

Please note Haiti Relief when making a donation

If you have any questions feel free to call Where to Turn at 718-966-6531or Senator Lanza's office at 718-984-4073 

Please get your schools, businesses and organizations involved. Together we can make a difference.