Chinatown Trees Initiative
Daniel L. Squadron
January 19, 2010
- Environment
Dear Friend:
I write to invite you to participate in the Chinatown Trees Initiative, a project I have launched to bring more green space and fresh air to Chinatown. If you would like to participate, please use the attached form to recommend a location or multiple locations where you think Chinatown could use more trees. I will compile your suggestions and forward them to the New York City Parks Department, which will evaluate proposals and determine eligibility.
In 2007, the New York City Parks Department and the New York Restoration Project began a city-wide effort, Million Trees NYC, to plant and care for one million trees throughout the five boroughs of New York City. In an effort to bring more green space to the Chinatown area, I am asking residents, businesses, and community leaders to nominate locations where they would like to see a tree planted.
If you know of any location in Chinatown that could use a tree—including sidewalks, schools, private apartment complexes, or anywhere else—please note the location on the attached form and send me the completed form. I will compile the list of nominations and will work with the Parks Department and the New York Restoration Projects to try to turn these viable location proposals into planted trees as quickly as possible.
Completed forms should be sent by Friday, February 12th to: State Senator Daniel Squadron, 401 Broadway, Suite 1901, New York, NY 10013. You can also download the form Here and you can e-mail suggestions to squadron@senate.state.ny.us.
I hope you will join me in this effort to make Chinatown greener, healthier, and more livable for all of its residents. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Lana Cheung in my office at 212-298-5565 or at Lana@danielsquadron.org.
Daniel Squadron
State Senator
25th Senate District