Senator Farley Discusses State Government With Students from Rotterdam

Hugh T. Farley

June 16, 2010

State Senator Hugh T. Farley (R, C, I - Schenectady) had the pleasure of meeting students from Jefferson Elementary School at the Legislative Office Building on June 14th. Senator Farley discussed State government and the importance of Flag Day with the students who hailed from the Rotterdam area. Students in Jessica Melchior's fourth grade class that were on the tour included: Brianna Autrey, Victoria Baker, Justin Bush, Frank Case, Samantha Cuomo, Alexis Delanoy, Alexander Diana, Alexander Feuz, Rachel Gazzillo, Allison George, Russell Holman, Timothy Kitchner, Olivia Lawrence, Kaylie Older, Kaytlyn O'Sullivan, Connor Ryan, Mikayla Schaefer, Devyn Smith, Samantha Starker, Jo Sullivan, Lillian Wilder.