Energy Efficiency Programs To Help The Planet While Saving Money
John J. Flanagan
April 21, 2010
- Environment
With the weather getting warmer and summer approaching, I wanted to make you aware of some valuable rebate programs that will not only save you money but also protect the environment. These programs are designed to save you hundreds of dollars each year by eliminating old, wasteful, inefficient appliances with ENERGY STAR® qualified models.
By working together, we can make our planet cleaner and safer for all of us.
Please contact me at flanagan@senate.state.ny.us if you have any questions or if you have any additional rebate or energy efficient programs that may help those in our community.
The State of New York launched a new rebate program to help residents replace older, inefficient appliances with ENERGY STAR® qualified models.
The program began February 12, 2010, and will continue until funds are depleted.
Eligible products include
• Refrigerators
• Freezers
• Clothes washers
• High-efficiency appliance package
Consumers can obtain higher rebate amounts by purchasing a package including a refrigerator, clothes washer, and dishwasher that are more efficient than ENERGY STAR. Consumers are also eligible for a higher rebate with proof of recycling.
Please click here for more information on this program.
Fact Sheet of Appliance Rebates in New York State
Under “New York’s Great Appliance Swap Out” Rebate Program, rebates are available for eligible appliance purchases made between February 12 and the date available funding runs out. This is a first-come, first-served program. Once program funding is exhausted, applications will no longer be accepted. Two rebate options will be offered in this program. Before making a purchase, confirm funding and requirements at www.NYApplianceSwapOut.com.
For additional information about this program, which is funded by the federal government, please click here to visit the United States Department of Energy.
Federal Tax Credits for Energy Efficiency - If you purchase an energy-efficient product or renewable energy system for your home, you may be eligible for a federal tax credit.
The products included in this program are eligible for tax credits at 30% of the cost, up to a total credit of $1,500; they must be "placed in service" from January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2010.
Products include biomass stoves, HVAC, insulation, roofing, water heaters (non-solar), windows and doors, geothermal heat pumps, solar and wind energy systems, fuel cells and vehicles.
Energy Efficient Loans - The following Web sites offer information on energy-efficient financing programs, including mortgages, home improvement loans, refinancing, and home energy ratings.
Financing an Energy-Efficient Home: Financing an Energy-Efficient Home - This fact sheet from the Department of Energy features an overview of energy-efficient financing programs from mortgages to home improvement loans.
United States Department of Housing and Urban Development: Energy-Efficient Mortgage Program - The Energy-Efficient Mortgage Program is one of many Federal Housing Authority programs that insure mortgage loans to encourage lenders to make mortgage credit available to borrowers, such as first-time homebuyers, who would not otherwise qualify for conventional loans on affordable terms.
Energy Ratings and Morgages: Energy efficient homes may qualify for mortgages that take into account a home's efficiency. Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET) provides information on home energy rating systems, energy efficient mortgages, and finding certified energy raters and lenders who know how to process energy efficiency mortgages.
Refinancing for Energy-Efficiency Improvements: An overview of refinancing to make energy efficiency improvements, from the Alliance to Save Energy.
LIPA COOL HOMES RETIREMENT PROGRAM: If you are planning a new central air conditioning (CAC) or heat pump installation, take advantage of all the Cool Homes Program has to offer. We’ll help you enjoy the “cool” benefits of energy efficiency, and some cool cash rebates besides. Benefits include up to $700 in LIPA rebates, saving hundreds of dollars on central air conditioning costs and also having an energy efficient CAC, which reduces energy expenses & increases the comfort of your home.
LIPA'S REFRIGERATOR RECYCLING PROGRAM: LIPA will provide eligible Long Islanders with $35 to recycle an old, working refrigerator or freezer. LIPA will even pick it up, free of charge, and properly recycle it.
Program Guidelines:
• $35 to recycle your old, working refrigerator or freezer
• You must be a LIPA residential customer and own the appliance
• Pickup must be at the residential address on your billing account
• Appliance must be 10-30 cu. ft., manufactured prior to 2001, and operating (cooling) at pickup
• Limit of two (2) appliances per year
• Some restrictions may apply
• Your reward of $35 will be mailed to you within 4 weeks after pickup of appliance
LIPA REBATES AND PROMOTIONS: LIPA is a proud sponsor of ENERGY STAR® and encourages you to buy appliances and lighting products that have earned the ENERGY STAR label. Please click here for access to information about rebates on a variety of products.
You’ll save energy, money, and help protect the environment.
New York State Energy Research And Development Authority
United States Department of Energy