First Senior Spotlight Shine on: Lou Stallman
Liz Krueger
June 11, 2010

I am very happy to announce that our first ever Senior Spotlight award has been given to Mr. Lou Stallman.
Our first Senior Spotlight Shines on Grammy nominee songwriter, Lou Stallman. Mr. Stallman is a special Upper East Side senior who has recorded over five hundred songs, including “Treasure of Love,” “Round and Round,” “It’s Gonna Take a Miracle” and the New York Yankees official theme song. Lou is very active in the community and attends many senior and community events. In addition he has mentored a number of young artists including Jerry Potente with whom he is currently working on a cartoon project called CARHEADS™. He is also currently working on writing a broadway musical Mr. Potente. We are honoring Mr. Stallman for his commitment to the arts and his community.
To see and hear all of Mr. Stallman’s work please visit: http://www.loustallmanworld.com/