Mothers: Know Your Rights!
Liz Krueger
June 9, 2010
- Families
- Health
- Children
- Health Care
- Hospitals
In late 2009 I sponsored and pushed through Legislation (S1107) to establish a Breastfeeding Mothers’ Bill of Rights. All too often women are made to feel ashamed when they breastfeed, which can lead them to quit breastfeeding their babies prematurely.
My Breastfeeding Mother’s Bill of Rights is common-sense legislation that empowers and supports new mothers by providing them with the information they need prior to, and after they give birth so they can make the best decisions for their child and themselves.
The Breastfeeding Mothers' Bill of Rights requires that new mothers be informed of breastfeeding options before they deliver, while in the maternal healthcare facility, as well as after leaving that facility. In addition, it bans commercial interests (formula providers) from pressuring new mothers while in maternal facilities without an express request from the new mother.
Make sure you know your rights! For more information on the Breastfeeding Mothers’ Bill of Rights please visit:
Doctors and Health Care Providers, make sure you are properly following all of the rules and regulations set by the Breastfeeding Mothers' Bill of Rights. For an outline of the guidlines of the bill please visit your HPN (Health Provider Network).