Statement From Senator Krueger Regarding Governor's Veto of Hydrofracking Legislation

Liz Krueger

December 13, 2010

While I am glad that Governor Paterson has recognized the severity of this situation, I am disappointed that he has decided to veto such important legislation and has instead opted for a scenario that creates an easily exploitable loophole. The fact is that this legislation was drafted in a very specific manner to ensure that we put a temporary hold on all drilling that could do irreparable harm to areas of the State of New York. The Executive Order the Governor signed gives us some delay on some types of drilling, but it still leaves the State of New York vulnerable to overzealous gas companies who wish to make up for the ban on horizontal drilling by increasing the number of vertical drills. It will now be up to incoming Governor Andrew Cuomo to see through the promises made in his “Cleaner, Greener NY” environmental paper and keep New York’s drinking water and environment safe.

