Stachowski Reacts to Governor's Proposed 2010-2011 Executive Budget

William T. Stachowski

January 19, 2010

Stachowski Reacts to Governor's Proposed 2010-2011 Executive Budget
January 19, 2010
 “While I fully support mandate relief to local governments and school districts, the consolidation of certain state agencies, the restructuring of the Empire Zone program, and the proposed changes to SUNY and CUNY that would give them more independence, I believe the Governor’s budget is very troubling in many areas,” said Senator William T. Stachowski, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Economic Development and Small Business.  “I will be strongly opposing the proposed cuts to Roswell Park, cuts to nursing homes, and yet another proposed tax on certain beverages.  Especially upsetting is the Governor’s proposal to impose $1 billion in higher taxes and fees particularly when my colleagues and I had been told that there would be no new tax increases.  Despite a deep recession, New Yorkers are still paying staggering property taxes, by far, the biggest tax in the state.  As we address the state’s budget deficit, my colleagues and I in the Senate Majority will be releasing our own budget shortly which will fight for our local health care institutions, job creation and the state’s taxpayers.”