Creative Celebration
December 22, 2011

Dear Participant,
Thank you for your wonderful contribution to the Thanksgiving Day Creative Celebration. In our first year, we received outstanding poems, essays, and artwork that exemplify the creativity of New York State’s young people.
The submissions received are remarkable in what they represent – showing gratitude and respect for family, friends, our troops fighting overseas, and many other important subjects and activities. I am humbled and honored to see such inspiring contributions in response to what is a deceptively difficult question: “What are you thankful for?”
On behalf of the New York State Senate, I would like to offer my wholehearted congratulations to all of the participants in this year’s Thanksgiving Day Creative Celebration.
Senator Carlucci
George W. Miller Elementary
Golden Hill Elementary
- Caroline Alcantara
- Coral Almanzar
- Paola Alvarez
- Mark Badolato
- Christian Baker
- Nashea Blackman
- Nicholas Bogoluboff
- Maria Chrobak
- Francesca Cipollina
- Grace DeLeon
- Sophia Duong
- Michael Esquea
- Jaydon Estevez
- Ariella Fajardo
- Robert Fallen
- Delvi Ferreiras
- Angela Hector
- Nelson Hilario
- Leslie Jerez
- Nehemie Joseph
- Katelyn Lam
- Sanjana Malla
- Matthew Marino
- Mariana Marte
- Angelica Martinez
- Carla Martinez
- Cristal Martinez
- Mayeline Martinez
- John McElroy
- Jaseim McNeil
- Matthew Megali
- Melissa Megali
- Yaniris Mercado
- Steven Orantes
- Tracey Potter
- Weslly Reyes
- Marylis Rosario
- Christopher Sand
- xavier Singletary
- malcolm slade
- Andrea Torres
- Devond West
Highview Elementary
Kakiat Elem. School
Laurel Plains
- Abia .
- Aidan .
- Alex .
- Alex .
- Alexander .
- Alyssa .
- Andy .
- Anjanie .
- Anthony .
- Caroline .
- Colin .
- Collen .
- Connor .
- Daniel .
- Dylan .
- Edwin .
- Ella .
- Ellie .
- Emily .
- Fallon .
- Fernando .
- Galina .
- Gianna .
- Grace .
- Gregory .
- Jake .
- James .
- Jenna .
- Jessica .
- Jhomara .
- Joey .
- Joey .
- Jolie .
- Juan .
- Kaelynn .
- Kaitlyn .
- Kaitlyn .
- Katie .
- Kayla .
- Keira .
- Krista .
- Linda .
- Louis .
- Lucy .
- Maddie .
- Maksim .
- Marisa .
- Matthew .
- Matthew .
- Michael .
- Nicolina .
- Olivia .
- Robert .
- Ryan .
- Ryan .
- Ryan .
- Samantha .
- Sami .
- Shana .
- Steven .
- Veronica .
- Vincent .
- Violet .
- Zachary .
- Julia Abreu
- Christopher Ahle
- Cassidy Armenio
- Kyle Arrieta
- Kayla Artuso
- Isabella Azua
- Jennifer Backelman
- Bianca Baino
- Riya Balachandsan
- Anthony Barone
- Julianna Basile
- Jason Beddows
- Ryan Beddows
- Jake Befend
- Alex Benjamin
- Carlos Bermeo
- Jessica Bernstein
- Jimmy Blumenfeld
- Emily Brady
- Joseph Braun
- Shannon Breyfogle
- Isabella Buchy
- Ryan Butler
- Sierra Cardona
- Jason Casey
- Eileen Chen
- Caroline Chiarello
- Lucas Chung
- Erin Conway
- Sklya Correa
- Stephanie Corredor
- Jack Coughlin
- Ceara Creegan
- Dylan Creegan
- Dylan Creegan
- Corinne Cunningham
- Maya Czajkowski
- Dominic DeLibertis
- Michael Derasmo
- Dianna Desoto
- Ian Dinsay
- Patrick Doherty
- Brendan Dolan
- Martin Donohue
- Aidan Downes
- Catherine Duggan
- Emily Eagel
- Cassandra Elias
- Kristen Erichsen
- Kyle Failina
- Faith Failing
- Ingrid Fan
- Lausen Fein
- Andrew Fenninger
- Jayden Fitzgerald
- Arianna Francis
- Izabella Fraser
- Cole Fredericks
- Matthew Fredericks
- Rose garcia
- Andrew Garcia
- Ryan Gauthier
- Isabella Glielmi
- Sofia Glielmi
- Daniel Globus
- Scott Gloskin
- Lauren Goggin
- Jake Grossman
- Cassanddra Guttierrez
- Rachel Hanchar
- Skylar Handsman
- Adam Hansraj
- Kameron Heaven
- Ben Heilbronn
- Noreen Hofuing
- Billy Hofving
- John Holihan
- Sean Holihan
- Tara Holihan
- Abigail Holland
- Marjorie Horowitz
- Connor Hutt
- Dylan Hutt
- Nicholas J
- Neha Joe
- Chris John
- Jeff John
- Luke Johnson
- Nikita Joseph
- Zoe Kahn
- Jared Kaye
- Katherine Kelly
- Anthony Knaus
- Rudy Kwan
- Nancy L
- Marc L.
- Danielle Lamond
- Chris Landi
- Liz Langer
- Nathaniel Lawless
- Rebecca Lawless
- Christopher Lebron
- Ashly Lema
- Emily Lema
- Wendy Lema
- Nickey Lewis
- Ethan Lin
- Will Llivisupa
- Nicholas Lobritto
- Celine Ludi
- Michael Ly
- Lauryn Lyons
- Arielle Marcelin
- Danielle Marcelin
- Kyle McCahey
- Anthony McGuirk
- Korrina Mckay
- Lily McKay
- Anthony McKenna
- Michael McKenna
- Brendan Meara
- Dalaney Moore
- Mikey Moore
- Taylor Moore
- Jessica Morocho
- Nicolas Moscatello
- Alex na
- Andrew na
- Arihant na
- Avov na
- Celine na
- Eldhd na
- Elia na
- Emma na
- Gianna na
- Grace na
- Happ na
- James na
- Jerry na
- Joe na
- Joseph na
- Kevin na
- Kimberly na
- Kyle na
- Leila na
- Luke na
- Mackenzie na
- Mallory na
- Megan na
- Megan na
- Myisha na
- na na
- na na
- na na
- na na
- Natalie na
- Neil na
- Nick na
- Olivia na
- PJ na
- Randy na
- Rose na
- Ryan na
- Ryan na
- Ryan na
- Sabrina na
- Sam na
- Samantha na
- William na
- Sadie Na
- Caitlyn Nham
- Colin Nicholson
- Brendon Nigro
- Olivia Nigro
- Anne Marie O'Neill
- zach o'reilly
- Matthew Olson
- Katarina Ott
- Alexy Panich
- George Panopoulos
- Kayla Parisi
- Keith Parke
- Matthew Pavia
- Mario Pellegrino
- Angel Pelletier
- Daelyn Perez
- Sophia Pucci
- Larissa Reddington
- Chase Reji
- Abby Riak
- DJ Roberts
- Hope Roberts
- Shannon Roberts
- Spencer Romani
- Nicholas Romeo
- Sal Rosa
- Lexis Rosenberg
- Skylar Rosenberg
- Brendan Rosenblum
- Ian Roth
- James Rung
- Shayne Ryan
- Michael S.
- Michael S.
- Sheila S.
- Aryan Sadeghilari
- Sunna Saeed
- Giovanni Santoro
- Ben Sayers
- Christian Sciarretta
- Peter Serra
- Sameer Singh
- Valerie Smith
- Sean Son
- Aiden Storton
- Gabriella Sweeney
- Michael T
- Sara T.
- Drew Tallevi
- Justin Termine
- Emmie Then
- Genial Thomas
- Joseph Tortorello
- Amanda Trongone
- Albin Uthup
- Mia Valle
- Alexa Verderame
- Marcus Vescio
- Samantha Voglio
- Liam Wanamaker
- Ryan Wanamaker
- Matthew Wang
- Eben Woo
- Matthew Woska
- X X
- X X
- X X
- X X
- X X
- X X
- Max Yankowitz
- Haley Yanosy
- Brandon Yomtov
- Alex Zingaro
- Joey Zingaro
- Karen Zollinger
Liberty Elementary School
- Erick Alachan
- Christine Berlingeri
- Julianna Caglione
- Justin Cracovia
- Jake Delfel
- Lizzy Doo Dah
- Piper Englert
- Nicole Fitzsimmons
- Nicole Fitzsimmons
- Yokasta Lopez
- Jennifer na
- Emily Nugen