Birchwood Elementary Students Chat With Senator Farley
Hugh T. Farley
October 21, 2011

Students from Birchwood Elementary School in Niskayuna toured the Capitol on Oct. 19th and spoke with State Senator Hugh T. Farley (R, C, I) - Schenectady. He discussed the history of the buildings, how the Senate works, and what his role as a Senator is like on a daily basis. Pictured with Senator Farley are students from Mrs. Albanese’s fourth grade class. Students on the trip included Sydney Anderson, Evan Belkin, Jackson Bishop, Lucas Blowers, Brian Bowman, Estella Chan, Francesco D’Amato-Neff, Sarah Decker, Ansley Deronceray, Johanna DiCerbo, Ireland Farrell, Olivia Franjieh, Luke Grice, Adriel Jones, Payton Kufta, Sophia Macchi, John Mendrysa, Lucas Michalisin, Jaden Pigliavento, Christine St. Jeanos, Dylan Stella, Phebe Zeiser, Jessica Zhang.
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