How Can Senator Flanagan Help YOU

John J. Flanagan

January 20, 2011

Senator John Flanagan believes that one of the most important parts of his job as your Senator is helping district residents who need assistance with state problems or concerns. 

Government procedures can be confusing and, in the age of automated answering systems, often frustrating.  Caseworkers in Senator Flanagan's office are trained to assist constituents by cutting through a myriad of departments and phone numbers.  They can direct people to the appropriate office, provide them with necessary instructions, phone numbers or materials, and/or find out the status of an application.

Below are some of the issues Senator Flanagan's office assists constituents with on a daily basis:

Problems with NYS Worker's Compensation

Issues Pertaining to NYS Department of Labor/Unemployment

NYS Department of Taxation and Finance concerns

NYS Department of Tranportation policies, procedures and projects

Matters involving the NYS Department of Insurance

The office is unable to intercede in any matter before any courts or matters involving federal, city, county or municipal government issue.

Constituents will sometimes request that the Senator "expedite" an application for services or benefits.  While a caseworker can obtain information regarding the status of a constituents application or claim, the office has no authority to move one person's application ahead of others who are also waiting.  However, if an emergency situation develops, a caseworker will communicate the circumstances to the agency and request that the agency take the appropriate actions.

Occasionally, a constituent will request that Senator Flanagan use his influence to overturn a decision made by a state agency. A caseworker is happy to assist constituents by forwarding information to the appropriate sources for consideration during the adjudication process but a Senate office does not have the authority to instruct any agency to approve or deny an application.

If you need assistance in dealing with a New York State government agency, please contact Senator Flanagan's district office at (631) 361-2154.

To help expedite your case, it is necessary for you to print out, complete and sign a Privacy Release Form authorizing Senator Flanagan's office to obtain any information needed to respond to your request for assistance.

Please fill out, print, sign and mail the release form below so Senator Flanagan's office can begin to work on your case:



Q: How do I find out how you voted on legislation I am interested in?
A: Finding my voting record is easy. Simply use the New York Senate’s Open Legislation page (  You can search by the bill’s name, number, or keywords to see how I voted on a particular piece of legislation, or you can search by my name to see the bills I have sponsored.  You can also see the bills I have sponsored on the legislation page of my web site (
If you have any questions about my voting record, please feel free to contact my office at 631-361-2154 or via email at
Q: What can you do for me?
A: I can help constituents with an issue with a state agency, such as an issue with the Department of Motor Vehicles, problem with worker’s compensation or a question regarding the Department of Taxation and Finance.
Q: What can’t you do for me?
A: I cannot intercede in any matter before any courts or matters involving the federal, city, county or municipal government.
Q: What Senate District do I live in?
A: To find out whether or not you live in New York's Second Senate District, please visit and put in your information on the top left (where it says FIND MY SENATOR).
Q: How can I let you know my feelings on issues and legislation?
A: Representing your interests in the New York State Senate is my number one priority, so please email me at if you have any questions, comments or concerns.  Alternatively, you can send postal mail, fax, or call my office – please click here for additional contact information.
Q: How can I request a meeting with you or invite you to attend my event?
A: The best way to schedule a meeting or event is to send my office an email at  Please be sure to provide your name, address, phone number and issue.