Recommending Conditional Approval for NS-LIJ’s proposed Center for Comprehensive Care
On September 22, I joined New York State Assembly Members Deborah Glick and Dick Gottfried, U.S. Representative Jerry Nadler and New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn in submitting testimony before the New York State Department of Health Public Health and Health Planning Council regarding North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System’s (“NS-LIJ”) Certificate of Need Application for its proposed Center for Comprehensive Care (“The Center”) to be located at the former St. Vincent’s O’Toole Pavilion. While I will continue to strongly advocate for the reestablishment of a full service hospital Manhattan’s Lower West Side, NS-LIJ’s proposed facility, including a 24/7 free-standing Emergency Department capable of treating more than 90% of the conditions seen at the former St. Vincent’s emergency room, would provide key services for the community, and more than other provider has proposed. In the tradition of St. Vincent’s, The Center will serve all patients regardless of ability to pay, and it promises to facilitate patients’ access to the continuum of health care services available in the community. Nonetheless, I and my colleagues expressed serious concerns that we believe must be satisfactorily addressed in order for us to support the application’s approval. You may download a .pdf of our testimony by clicking on the file name below.