Thanksgiving Essays and Contributions
December 14, 2012
Dear Participant,
Thank you for your wonderful contribution to the Thanksgiving Day Creative Celebration. We received outstanding poems, essays, and artwork that exemplify the creativity of New York State’s young people.
The submissions received are remarkable in what they represent – showing gratitude and respect for family, friends, our troops fighting overseas, and many other important subjects and activities. I am humbled and honored to see such inspiring contributions in response to what is a deceptively difficult question: “What are you thankful for?”
On behalf of the New York State Senate, I would like to offer my wholehearted congratulations to all of the participants in this year’s Thanksgiving Day Creative Celebration.
Senator Andrew J. Lanza
New Dorp Christian Academy
P.S. 50 Frank Hankinson School
P.S. 56 - Louis Desario School
P.S. 58 The SS Columbia School
- Jana Aboughazala
- Cody Abrue
- Johnathan Acevedo
- Michael Adamov
- Antonio Afasano
- Jamshaid Ahmad
- Sammy Alijla
- Ananthini Anantharajah
- Anthony Arango
- Sarah Asante
- Steven Barreto
- Dominick Benedetto
- Austin Beneziger
- Edith Bernabe
- Nicholas Bialous
- Karah Christen Boodhoo
- Zach Bronstein
- Diana Burgos
- Nicolas Campo
- Christina Carlson
- Cassandra Carlson
- Anthony Carulla
- Skyla Cassadria
- Christopher Casuccio
- Mariah Casuccio
- Alessia Cavuoti
- Mariana Chacon
- Sonya Chekoff
- Wilson Cheong
- Justin Cho
- Melanie Choe
- Jacob Christian
- Anthony Cospito
- Elizabeth Coyotl
- Mia Dagstine
- Sean Davis
- Parker Demas
- Brendan Dhameeth
- Maruf Djumayev
- Dennis Dzhidzhorg
- Chanel Flanders
- Andrew Frendowski
- Aaya Gaber
- Alexya Garcia
- Alexya Garcia
- Nicholas Gebbia
- Melanie Gomero
- Adis Gorenca
- Alexandra Greco
- Kasun Gunaratna
- Rama Hamdallah
- Jared Handelman
- Angelina Hannah
- Gabriela Herbst
- Juan Hernandez
- Jessica Horne
- Dana Huh
- Drin Jakupi
- Gabriela Janowski
- Catherine Jennings
- Jaylette Jones
- Aylin Kanbur
- Jasky Karem
- Sofie Karlicki
- Mazen Khalil
- Erik Kleczkowski
- Julia Kobeszko
- Camryn Koch
- Jacob Koch
- Nicole Kuna
- Emily Laguer
- Lavani Laishram
- Demetria Lamicella
- Kendyle Lannaman
- Ben Lee
- David Lender
- Julissa Liang
- Eoin Loughlin
- Emily Malpeso
- Alyssa Marandola
- Michael Marquez
- Salvatore Maurano
- Kevin Maurer
- Amanda McCormick
- Derrick McIntosh
- Samantha Medina
- Maria Megalea
- Matthew Mena
- Katherine Mercado
- Valencio Metlliu
- Priscilla Montalvo
- Robert Navarro
- Christopher Pappacoda
- Christopher Pappacoda
- Hayne Park
- Sheila Park
- Jonathan Pernett
- Calleigh Perrino
- Michael Persico
- Salvatore Petrelli
- Careecia Prudhomme
- Sudan Raphael
- Paulina Remba
- Jared Rivera
- Matthew Rodriguez
- Miguel Sanchez
- Vincent Sarcone
- Viola Sawaris
- Bobby Scheiner
- Andy Sebek
- Min Jun Seong
- David Shenouda
- Shaan Shirazi
- Ryan Sirico
- Giordano Smith
- Giordano Smith
- Larien Smith
- Larien Smith
- Haleigh Smith
- Michelle Suarez
- Max Sullivan
- Max Sullivan
- Ryan Sy
- Veronica Szalazk
- Julia V
- Genesis Valentin
- Edwin Vasquez
- Hailey Vasquez
- Yana Velezhinskaya
- Jeremy Ventura
- Christopher Vergara
- Arianna Villanueva
- Jay Washington
- Cole Weiner
- Alice Yegorova
- Grace Yi
- Nicholas Zagora
- Gabriel Zandler
- Jesus Zefrian
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