Protecting Our Kids


Whether it's in our local neighborhood, on the playground, or out in cyberspace, protecting our kids is the most important concern of every responsible parent.

This section of Senator Young’s website is designed to provide parents with a web-based, one-stop-shop loaded with important news-you-can-use to help keep your kids safe. 

Click on the links below to download printable copies of useful brochures and fact sheets that were compiled with one goal in mind: Protecting our kids!

  • Internet Safety –  What Every Parent Should Know: Provides valuable tips to parents about how to protect their children from online predators.
  • Keep Your Kids Safe – Discusses safety tips for children who are swimming, riding in cars, skating, riding skateboards and scooters, and provides addresses for informational websites.
  • Safety Counts – Provides a child identification form to fill out and refer to if a child is missing or abandoned.
  • Safe Child Book: Your Child's ID Record – A useful tool to record your child's pertinent information to give to authorities if they were ever to go missing. Includes a page for each year, up to 20 years old.
  • Important Parent Resource Card – Important informational phone numbers and websites for parents.
  • Day Care Safety – Tips on safety, financial assistance, other helpful information, as well as what to do if you have a complaint against a day care provider.   
  • Teen  Bullying & Suicide –  This brochure contains valuable information about teen bullying - including cyber bullying - and its link to the alarming rate of teen suicide. It also helps explain how to recognize the signs of bullying, and what you can do to help prevent it.