Senator Farley Salutes Schenectady Physicians

Hugh T. Farley

November 1, 2012

State Senator Hugh T. Farley (R, C, I - Schenectady) recently had the pleasure of presenting the New York State Senate Liberty Medal to Dr. Clifford Tepper and Dr. Arnold Ritterband, co-medical directors of the Schenectady Free Clinic. Both are retiring after dedicating numerous years of free medical knowledge to uninsured residents of Schenectady.

In 2002, Drs. Ritterband and Tepper were advocates of Senator Farley's legislation that authorized the creation of the volunteer-based organization. In 2006, another Farley-sponsored measure made the Schenectady County pilot program permanent, and in 2008 Senator Farley sponsored the law which expanded the program Statewide.

"They both have great dedication to their community. They are caring and supportive and are great advocates for our vulnerable neighbors. I wish them well in their retirements, however, they will truly be missed at the clinic," Senator Farley said.

In addition to the New York State Senate Liberty Medal, both physicians have received several awards over the years. Dr. Ritterband has been honored with the Clifford C. Thorne Award from the Health Policy and Administration Consortium of the Capital Area and the Senator Edward J. Speno Award from the New York State Federation of Professional Health Educators. Dr. Tepper has also been recognized with the Pump Street National Award from Physicians for Social Responsibility, the Outstanding Commitment Award from the American Lung Association, and the Dorothy Watson Award for Excellence from the American Lung Association.