Senator Alesi Joins Governor Cuomo for the Signing of the 2012-2013 State Budget

As Chairman of the Joint Budget Conference Committee on Economic Development, Senator Jim Alesi was invited to join Governor Andrew Cuomo, Assembly Speaker Shelly Silver (left) and Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos (right) on March 30, 2012, as Governor Cuomo signed the 2012-2013 State Budget. "With Governor Cuomo as an ally, for the second year in a row, we have passed a budget that reduces overall spending and closes a multi-billion dollar budget deficit without raising taxes," said Senator Alesi. "Most importantly, we have partnered to create a regional approach to revitalizing our economy, and have joined forces to spur public-private partnerships and private-sector job growth for long-term economic investment.”
Click here for highlights of the 2012-2013 State Budget.