Senator DeFrancisco Helps Promote New York Youth Works Program
John A. DeFrancisco
April 30, 2012
- Youth
State Senator John A. DeFrancisco is pictured with Paul Nojaim and Anette Rivera on April 27, 2012, at Nojaim Brothers Supermarket in Syracuse. Senator DeFrancisco was at the supermarket to raise awareness about the New York Youth Works program, which encourages businesses to hire unemployed, disadvantaged youth. Rivera, who has been an employee at Nojaim Brothers Supermarket since age 14, will graduate from LeMoyne College. Nojaim has signed up for the New York Youth Works program. Businesses may apply for certification online at www.jobs.ny.gov/youthworks. The Deparmtent of Labor wants all applications by November 30, 2012. For more information on the program, you can also click here.