New York City Lifeguard Qualifying Tests
Martin Malavé Dilan
January 4, 2012

A great opportunity and one of the best jobs in New York City.
Parks' beaches are open Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day, and pools are open from late June through Labor Day. NYC Park's Lifeguards work 48 hours each week and first-year lifeguards will earn a minimum of $13.57 an hour, for a weekly salary of over $650.00.
You may take the qualifying test for the 2012 summer season at the locations below. Please make sure to bring a bathing suit, a towel and a lock (for your locker). Goggles are optional. Training classes generally meet once a week for 16 weeks, so please enroll as early as possible.
Qualifying Test Location:
Chelsea Recreation Center, 430 W. 25th Street
From now until January 13, Monday through Friday, 4:30pm and 6:30pm